Sixth Grade students welcomed their parents on Wednesday, April 27th to "Celebrate Learning" in one on one discussions about their 'Habits of Learning' and their growth this year as students. The discussion was based on the importance of 'Habits of Learning' in our success as learners, and how students are progressing in these habits.
Students shared the evidence of their thinking, the processes in learning and examples of completed work. Thank you, sixth-grade students, for all your work in preparing and participating in this great event. And, thank you to our parents for coming in and sharing in this important event in our sixth-grade calendar.
Essence of Middle School:
In true Middle School style, a group of MS staff dressed up in response to well over 200 members of our community attending our AMIS Choir Concert earlier in the month. It's never a dull moment in the Middle!! The group was introduced in fashion show style at our monthly assembly on Wednesday.
CEESA MS Model United Nations Conference:
The third CEESA MS MUN conference, hosted by AISB, has been a great success. 85 students from 9 different CEESA schools, including schools from Lebanon and Georgia, attended the event which was organized and run by our High School MUN Club under the leadership of Sahib Bhasin, the Secretary General of the conference.
After the US Ambassador Ms. Colleen Bell’s keynote speech, AISB country representatives, Lili (Lebanon), Shaan (Russia), and Odin (Germany) did a wonderful job with their opening speeches. Shaan, Tianchen (Lebanon) and Odin contributed with several resolutions on Isil and Boko Haram to the discussions of the Security Council. Mathieu (Germany), Márk (Russia), Vilma (Sweden), and Debby (Lebanon) were active members of the ECOSOC Committee, and all of them became main submitters of their resolutions on the migrant crisis and the Syrian war. Dipanshi (Russia) and Zahra (Lebanon) contributed to debates about women’s education and about aiding Rohingya Muslims. AISB provided the Disarmament Committee with “girl power”: Lili (Lebanon), Marie (Russia) and Beatrice (Germany) offered several solutions to the Crimean Crisis as well as to chemical warfare in Syria. Jain (Russia) made us proud in the Environmental Committee with her speeches and resolutions about deforestation and policies about curbing carbon dioxide emissions. All of them grew as public speakers during the conference, they learned to compromise and to participate in a parliamentary style debate.
AISB students did not only represent their respective countries with pride and professionalism but also our community. Their kindness, understanding of the issues, and collaborative spirit with High School students as well as delegates from the visiting schools have been noted by our guests. They made us all very proud.
Thank you for your continuous support with the MS MUN Club as well as with hosting our guests.
Ms. Henderson and Dr. Vas
* Erik Hansman (Grade 8) made a wonderful slide show about the conference, click on this link to watch it. For more photos please see this blog. Student Life Update:
This week in Student Life we have been busy preparing for our Middle School Spirit Week (May 2-6)!
The theme days will be:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Jersey Day (Favorite Sports Team)
Wednesday - Beachwear Day (no swimsuits: think sunglasses, hats, flip flops, etc)
Thursday - Fashion Disaster
Friday - School Spirit AISB Colors
We will also hold a dance-off on Monday during lunch and a pep rally on Wednesday hosted by our Spirit Club!
In other news, the Blazer Barkers will be heading back to the dog shelter on Saturday, May 14 and presenting the shelter with a check for 600,000HUF which are the proceeds from the International Festival Book Sale.
Lastly, we are working on the final details for the first ever Middle School "Lock-In", which will take place on Friday, May 20th. More specific information on the lock-in will be sent to parents shortly.
Kind Regards,
Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator / M.S FrenchMS PSA Update:
Mr. Bill Farren spoke about Social Media at our last meeting during the MS Social last Friday evening. Please feel free to access the presentation at the following link: Social Media Presentation
Our next PSA meeting will be on Tuesday, May 10th from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in the Building B Faculty Dining Room. Our guest is Ms. Anna Jankovich, who will speak to us about:
"The Relationship Between Parents and Adolescents".
All parents are welcome to attend!
Upcoming Events:
** We're going to have some fun for Spirit Week, keeping in mind that all choices for dress on specific days must be appropriate for school.
Monday, May 2: MS Spirit Week: Pajama Day
MS Spirit Week: Dance-Off in the theater @ 12:35
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Girls and Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40
Tuesday, May 3: MS Spirit week: Jersey Day (Favorite Sports Team)
MS Spirit Week: Pep Rally @ 12:35
MAP Testing
Subject Coordinators meeting 15:45 - 17:00
Tech Crew meeting 15:40
MS Art Club 15:40 - 16:30
Wednesday, May 4: MS Spirit week: Beachwear Day
(no swimsuits: sunglasses, hats, flip flops, etc)
MAP Testing
MS Assembly/Advisory 11:15-12:05
GR 8 TED TALK on Career Decision making 11:15 - 13:00
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40
Thursday, May 5: CEESA MS Boys Softball tournament - Bucharest
CEESA MS Girls Softball tournament - Bucharest
CEESA MS Girls Volleyball tournament - Warsaw
MS Spirit week: Fashion Disaster
MAP Testing
CEESA Choir at 16:30 in ES music room
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Knowledge Bowl 15:40
Parent Book Club 14:00 - 15:15
MS Drone Club 15:40 - 16:30
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40
Friday, May 6: MS Spirit week: School Spirit AISB Colors
CEESA MS Boys Softball tournament - Bucharest
CEESA MS Girls Softball tournament - Bucharest
CEESA MS Girls Volleyball tournament - Warsaw
MAP Testing
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40
MS Floorball 15:30 - 16:30
MS Badminton - 1st session - 15:30-16:30Warm regards,
Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal
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