Friday, April 22, 2016

Week 29 in the Middle . . .


Student delegates from Bucharest, Warsaw, Zagreb, Moscow, St-Petersburg, Bratislava, Tbilisi, Beirut and Belgrade enjoyed day one of CEESA MS Model United Nations today. We were highly fortunate to have had Her Excellency, United States of America Ambassador to Hungary, Ms. Colleen Bell, join our delegates as keynote speaker at the opening ceremony in the AISB theatre this morning. Sincere thanks to all members of the community for your support of this event, especially AISB families for hosting our visiting MUN delegates.

6th Grade Service Learning:

On Thursday April 21st the Grade 6 students from AISB travelled to Kopszi Gat, a beautiful park on the banks of the Danube River to meet students from the SOFI Special Olympics school in Budapest. This trip and activity was part of the middle school service learning program. The students from AISB and the SOFI school participated in a number of collaborative physical activities. The aim of the day was for the children to get know each other and begin to form relationships which will be further developed in a few weeks time through the Special Olympics athletics competitions that we will host here at AISB. The day was a great success with students from both school enjoying each other's company through playing and socializing!

Student Life Update:

What a weekend we are having at AISB! Nine CEESA schools are here for CEESA MUN changing the world one resolution at a time! On Friday, we had an outstanding opening ceremony with the honorable Colleen Bell United States Ambassador to Hungary who delivered a powerful message of tolerance and inclusion to all those in attendance. 

Our Middle School students are also heavily involved in volunteering for the International Festival which will take place on Sunday. Close to forty students have volunteered their time to help our PSA put on the best possible Festival for our community.

We are also hosting a social this evening which will also be attended by our MUN guests. We are expecting close to 240 students for this event alone!

Lastly, our sixth grade just came back from a day trip with the Special Olympics athletes, and the feedback we have received is that it was the best and most fulfilling service learning experience they have ever had at AISB!

Thank you for your ongoing support of our school programs!

Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator / M.S French
American International School of Budapest

MS Arts Day:

Arts Day 2016 was an uplifting experience.... particularly because our guest performance was called LIFT. This group from Geneva not only performed their contemporary dance piece for us, but also held four workshops for MS students. 
AISB teachers and parents also put aside their usual teaching roles for the day and shared their talents in the Arts with students. Workshops such as line dancing, henna painting, costume design and shadow dance were among the offerings. 
The culminating (and perhaps most exciting) event was the Talent Show. Over 25 students took the stage to present dance, singing and piano pieces. We are very proud of the commitment of our students and would like to extend a big thank you to all of the volunteers involved in making this day a success. 

Grade 6 Celebration of Learning:

On Wednesday, April 27, 2016, from 8.45 - 9.15 the Grade Six students are inviting their parents to a 'Celebration of Learning'.  This is an opportunity for you to share in your child's success as a learner in the Middle School.  We are hoping that by starting this event earlier on this day that we are able to welcome some working parents in addition to the parents who do the early morning drop off. We look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,
MS Grade 6 Team

Lunch for Alpha:

Middle School French classes demonstrated on Friday, April 8th, a concrete example of being a responsible global citizen as part of our AISB Mission.  For the 5th consecutive year, MS French classes raised funds to support the education of Alpha at his school, Les Cajoutiers, in Warang, Senegal.  Thank you to everyone in our community for the wonderful food that was brought in to support Alpha's education!  Thanks to the generosity and compassion within our community, Alpha's educational needs are taken care of for another year.

Delinka Fabiny and Marc Lavoie
MS French

Grade 6 Science:
The grade 6 students have been using the design process to create self-warming or cooling devices using their knowledge of chemical reactions.  The week the students pitched their inventions to the class.  Classmates assumed the role of investors and evaluated the created "products" ability to make it to the market.  Students will use what they learned from these class presentations in their final project of the school year.  In the final project students are asked to apply the design process to create proposals for energy saving initiatives in our                                                                             school. 

AISB in the News:
AISB is the feature school in the WIDA newsletterWorld-class Instructional Design and Assessment, this month. Congratulations to our AISB EAL teachers as they lead the way in using the WIDA assessment to inform instruction for our EAL students. 

Upcoming Events:
Monday, April 25:    WIDA Testing for EAL students
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Girls and Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40
Tuesday, April 26:   WIDA Testing for EAL students
Short story contest final
MS Art Club 15:40 - 16:30
Wednesday, April 27: WIDA Testing for EAL students
Grade 6 Celebration of learning 8:45- 9:15
MS Assembly 11:15-12:05
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40
Thursday, April 28: WIDA Testing for EAL students
CEESA MS Knowledge Bowl - Bratislava
CEESA Choir at 16:30 in ES music room
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Knowledge Bowl 15:40
Parent Book Club 14:00 - 15:15
MS Drone Club 15:40 - 16:30
Girls Volleyball 15:40
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40
Friday, April 29: CEESA MS Knowledge Bowl - Bratislava
PD Day - No school for students

We look forward to seeing all members of the community at the International Festival on Sunday!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
MS Principal

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