MS Physical Education -
Mini Olympic Pentathlons
Students in all MS Physical Education classes have been acquiring knowledge and skills in Track and Field as their last unit of the academic year.
Some of the learning guiding questions included:
”What are the effects of grit and perseverance on performance?”,
“How does technique affect performance?” and “How do individuals and teams succeed?”
Students have had an opportunity to work in combined teams across all grade levels, gaining team spirit, respect and support of others and learning about working together to achieve both individual and team success.
They have also learned and used marshalling responsibilities which included timing and recording distances achieved in various events and then entered results directly on Google sheets using Ipads.
All students have participated in the MS PE Mini Olympic Pentathlons. Organizing such an event, gave them an opportunity to demonstrate their developing skills in a variety of short and long distance running events ,and field events such as jumping (long jump, triple jump and high jump) and throwing (discus and shotput).
Students also gained a better understanding of what it means to be a global citizen representing oneself, their country and
their sport at the most ultimate of all sporting events in the world, the Olympics. They learned about where the Olympic Oath
began and why athletes and participants alike take such an Oath. Students collaborated in their Pentathlon teams to create their
team ‘Athletes Oath’ which they then recited at their Pentathlon opening ceremony… motivated also by the inspirational “Chariots of Fire’ music!
Everyone persevered through hot weather showing grit to perform their very best in all events. They also demonstrated true responsible behaviors toward learning and applying gained knowledge in order to excel both individually and as part of their teams.
A strong sense of team spirit and support of one another was often observed through competitive close heats.
Students will receive awards for sportsmanship, marshaling and responsibility roles, best males and females in each grade and best overall male and female athletes in grades 6, 7 and 8. All students are ultimately winners as their participation in the Pentathlons gained them individual and team points. These team points are currently near completion. Winning teams across all grade levels will be known shortly and displayed in the MS PE billboard. So stay tuned to final team results and award recipients.
An amazing way to conclude the MS PE classes. Congratulations to all students for their efforts and dedication to helping make the MS PE Mini Olympics Pentathlons such a success.
Ms Nuccia Rantieri
May 9, 2015
Physical Education leads students to being
“ Fit for Life!”
Grade 8 students have just completed the ‘Fit for Life- promoting healthy active living” unit in Physical Education.
In this unit, students examined the question “How does being physically active affect people’s lives?”.
P.E. sessions included a variety of alternative activity choices such as yoga, karate, rock climbing, slacklining, golf, aerobics, Zuu and Crossfit training and more.
While engaged in the various activities, students learned about and applied the key knowledge of health and skill related fitness components, training for health and wellbeing, principles and methods of training and the muscular system.
Students were asked to investigate a physical activity, sport or recreational pursuit possible in the Budapest community and designed a digital presentation to illustrate their understanding of how being physically active enhances health and well being through all health dimensions (Physical, mental, social and emotional/ spiritual health).
Many thanks to the PSA for helping fund our Karate component of this unit. All students were able to take part in one Karate self defence lesson where students worked in small groups to practice form, defensive arm moves and kicks. Also,many thanks to our guest Karate instructor Zoltan Vass for his expert instruction and for giving our students a hands on opportunity to take part in Karate.
Nuccia Rantieri- Middle School PE Teacher
January 20, 2015
Grade 8 PE: Safety in Aquatics & Swimming Efficiency
Swimming in PE not only involves stroke development, water polo and practise of swimming techniques.
Students have been learning concepts of safety and rescue in Aquatics. They apply safety principles and use a variety of swimming skills to perform rescue tows of patients in deep water.
Given a relevant and realistic scenario, students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of personal safety in and around water. Above all else, they consider their own personal safety first. They follow specific safety checks such as “Checking for danger, Calling for help & Caring for a patient” before performing a clothed rescue tow which is inline with us and above the American Red Cross Swim Level 6.
Students interact and continuously communicate with others to demonstrate their own knowledge of safety when performing the clothed rescue tow in order to bring their patient to safety.
Simple first aid steps are used such as placing a patient in the lateral recovery position and checking for clear airways and breathing, all the while reassuring and monitoring patients.
Of course a variety of stroke techniques are practised to enable students to efficiently swim throughout all classes and especially help them through the clothed rescue tows.
Ms Rantieri
November 26, 2014
Dear Parents /Caregivers,
Your Middle School child has been given a certificate with record of their results from the FitnessGram health related fitness tests which they participated in through Physical Education in the Fall.
Each student has been given a FitnessGram personalized username and password via Veracross to access the following link:
Once students have logged into the website, click ‘Fitnessgram’ on the left hand side and it will display students individualized fitness results. Click on “Fall Test 2014-15” and then click ‘open’ to view results. Click ‘View report’ to see overall results compared to Healthy Fitness Zones according to students age and gender.
This record and the accompanying information are for you, the parent/caregiver, as well as for your child. Please ask your child to show you this information. The Physical Education Department would greatly appreciate you taking the time to sit down with your child, to read over their results and the information, and discuss your thoughts about their health related fitness.
The information included in these results will enable both you and your child to see where their fitness levels are in comparison to the “Healthy Fitness Zone” for several health related areas of fitness. Included is information about what it all means, what type of activities and how often your child should be doing them to maintain health and fitness.
One of the main goals related to the FitnessGram program is to encourage students to lead healthy, active lifestyles. The Physical Education department asks that parents help their child maintain or improve their fitness levels by encouraging them to engage in regular physical activity. This is particularly important with the winter holiday approaching and given that students will be away from school, where they have the opportunity to stay active through PE classes and after-school sports. We encourage parents to share ideas with their child about how they can keep active over the winter holidays.
Regular physical activity is vitally important not only for physical wellbeing, but also for social, emotional and mental wellbeing. Many studies link the importance of regular physical activity, especially cardiovascular exercise, to cognitive growth and possible academic improvements. References to such proven research and studies are linked below for your viewing:
The FitnessGram program is an American based initiative from The Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas in conjunction with the National Football League (NFL). It is widely used in schools in the United States of America as well as in many American International Schools. Due to it being produced in the USA, the measurements for height are given in feet and inches, and weight in pounds. If you would like to convert these measurements into the metric system you could use the following links.
Please note that your child will most likely have grown since these measurements were taken. Students will be measured again in the Spring to check for progress and growth that may take place.
Once again, please make sure you ask your child for their FitnessGram results. We thank-you for your help and support your child to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Have a safe and active winter break.
Kind regards,
The Middle School Physical Education Department
*Some students may show that they have got shorter from their last measurements taken. Occasionally this happens with some students taking their own measurements or figures being recorded incorrectly. Some students are also missing results due to absences or injuries.
October 12, 2014
Grade 8 Physical Education - ‘The learning path to P.E. excellence’ in action!
Grade 8 have had a terrific start in P.E. so far this semester. Students have learned about components of fitness, various training methods and how to set SMART goals. The FitnessGram was used as a tool to measure initial fitness levels and improvements over time. Students analyzed their FitnessGram results and set personal fitness goals to aim for over a 4 week period. Students will all have access to FitnessGram results online, through the FitnessGram website and will be given usernames and passwords via Veracross. This enables students to show parents their achievements and to work together to maintain fitness throughout the year.
P.E E- Portfolios have been created by students to enable them to keep a record of their developing skills and knowledge of concepts learned in Physical Education. Students can embed images and video footage of themselves in action, along with relevant knowledge gained in various units of work to share with their parents.
The Physical Education website provides details of P.E. unit outlines and assessment dates as well as information and resources for extended learning. The link to the P.E. website is , which is also posted on Veracross.
Ms. Rantieri
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