Friday, June 10, 2016

Week 36 in the Middle . . .

Grade 8 Science:

Grade 8 Science classes have spent the last month working on designing and building a model solar car. Each team chose a design problem, researched ideas for possible solutions and selected materials to build the car.  Mr. Farren taught us about gear ratio and how to get the most speed or torque for the car.  Each group made a presentation to explain how the 6 different types of energy are transferred within the car and why their design was either successful or not.  We had an amazing "Solar Car Finale" on Wednesday where the whole class showed off their cars.
Ms. Tarbell
Grade 8 Science

Grade 6 Energy Change Presentations
Just as a spark has the potential to start a great fire, our grade 6 students took steps toward realizing their potential as global citizens to be “a spark of change” on our planet.  After exploring climate change and human impact on our planet, the 6th graders considered ways that we as a school community might use energy in a more effective way to lower our overall impact on Earth.  

Working in design teams, students researched, interviewed community members, collected survey data, and made mathematical projections to support their ideas.  Finally, in a science and information technology culminating event, students brought their plans for change before school leaders, parents, and other members of the AISB community.  

Many thanks to all who attended this event!  The grade 6 students are thankful for the support and feedback they received from our community. They look forward to seeing how their ideas might be part of future plans to make our school an even better place to be.

Mr. Joel Scanga - Grade 6 Science Teacher
Mr. Bill Farren - MS Technology Integrationist / Design Technology

MS Sports Day:

Despite the gray skies, students had a great time during our MS Sport's Day event. We were very fortunate to have some distinguished Hungarian Olympians join us:

  • Mr. Zoltan Szecsi - Hungarian Water Polo player who won 3 consecutive Olympic gold medals
  • Mr. Akos Vereckei - Hungarian Sprint Kayaker who won 2 Olympic gold medals
  • Mr. Baji Balazs - Hungarian Track and Field athlete who specializes in the 60 metre hurdles and is currently preparing to compete in the Summer Olympics in Rio, Brazil August, 2016.

Students had a chance for question and answer sessions with each of our guest athletes and then proceeded to enjoy a full day of activities, including a hamburger lunch. The day capped off with a tug of war competition. Special thanks to our PE department and MS teachers for a great day!

MS French Lunch:

The last unit of the year for 6/7 Intermediate French was all about food and eating habits. For the written part, students wrote a letter to their pen pal in Senegal explaining what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as what their favorite dish is.  To immerse in French culture and celebrate a successful year, students had a French afternoon snack (goĆ»ter) or breakfast. 
Delinka Fabiny

MS/HS French

Upcoming Events:

Monday, June 13 Grade 8 student sign-out forms due.
Tuesday, June 14 MS Field trip to Aqua World - all day.
Board meeting at 16:45
Wednesday, June 15 Grade 7 Medieval feast 8:30 - 12:00
Last day for Gr.8 students - half day.
Grade 8 closing ceremony 18:30 - 20:00 (student arrival at 18:00).
Thursday, June 16 Report cards go live on Veracross.
Last day of school for students - dismissal at 11:40 a.m.
Friday, June 17 PD Day for staff - No school for students.

Parents, please help us to remind students to check for and return outstanding books to the library and/or classroom teachers in order to close out the year smoothly :)

Have a great weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

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