Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 26 in the Middle . . .

Performance Poets Visit the MS:

Middle School students thoroughly enjoyed their experience with high energy spoken poets, Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger, who visited AISB this week from the United States. They presented their poetry at a MS school assembly and worked with students on writing poetry and public speaking skills throughout the week. 

Together, Sara and Michael, have written over 20 books about poetry as well as some professional books for teachers. They have traveled to over 35 countries and have extensive experience writing with second language learners. They believe poetry can be inspirational and give students the power to be stronger communicators. More information about these award winning poets can be found at:

Parent Teacher Conferences:

Please note that conferences will take place next Friday, April 1st from 8:30 - 3:30 in the Building B gymnasium.  A separate email has been sent including general information and a map for quick reference during conferences.  We look forward to seeing you on campus! Teachers are currently updating progress reports which will go live on Wednesday, March 30th.  Please note that due to the timing of conferences with respect to the final day of Quarter 3 falling on April 1st, our 1/4 year courses (Exploratory and Health & Wellness) grades will be updated the week following conferences.

Student Life Update:

This weeks' Student Life Update will only deal with one topic: The AMIS Middle School Honor Girls Choir Festival! The American International School of Budapest is honored to host this prestigious event featuring seventy-five singers from twelve International Schools spanning the globe. 

The three day festival will culminate with a gala concert on Saturday, April 2nd @ 7:00 p.m. in the theater. We are hoping that you will attend this event and come and support our nine Blazer ladies who will be singing their hearts out with their AMIS peers. 

We hope to see you there!

Happy Easter everyone :)

Marc Lavoie
Student Life Coordinator / MS French

Photographer on Campus:

On Wednesday, March 30th, we will have the school photographer at AISB for make-up photos. It is intended for students who had missed or arrived after the September 7th original photo day. He will be here from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Students will be informed of the location for makeup photos via our morning MS Jing announcements.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, March 28:    Easter Monday

Tuesday, March 29:   The day will run according to the Monday class schedule

Full Faculty and Staff Accreditation mtg. 15:45 - 17:00
** No activities after school on this day.

Wednesday, Mar 30: School photos - make up 9:00 - 13:00
AMIS MS Girls Choir Festival
MS Assembly/Advisory 11:15-12:05
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40

Thursday, Mar 31: AMIS MS Girls Choir festival
CEESA Choir at 16:30 in ES music room
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Knowledge Bowl 15:40
Parent Book Club 14:00 - 15:15
MS Drone Club 15:40 - 16:30
Girls Volleyball 15:40
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40

Friday, April 1: AMIS MS Girls Choir festival
End of Quarter 3 / Actual end date for Explos / H&W
Parent - Student - Teacher Conferences
Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal
American International School of Budapest

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