Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 1, 2015

Dear Middle School Parents,

Welcome back from Ski Week.  I hope you and your family had a restful and playful vacation and are excited about being back for school. We returned this week with a special first period on Monday designed to help students reconnect with their peers and teachers. Students shared about their holidays and participated in a team-building activity.  

Afterward, we all met in the MS lobby to enjoy some refreshments and check in with friends from across the whole team and the Middle School.

On Monday and Tuesday, we were honored to host author Laurie Halse Anderson. She met with all three Middle School grades sharing her writing process, her motivations for writing, and hearing students share their insights about her books. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to ask questions of an author. A big thank you to our librarian, Sarah Ducharme for organizing the visit.

We are also in the middle of a Spirit Week. The hallways are decorated with banners designed and created by our Middle School students!  The students were organized by Mr. Lavoie, Dr. Canale, Ms. Perzel, Ms. Manella, Mr.Fubler and Ms. Pal.


The elections for next year's School Board are about to start and parents will receive the information letter this week. This is an exciting time for parents to consider being part of the process whether running for a position, or nominating someone.  

The process starts Friday, March 6th with the nomination period ending on the March 23rd. During this time parents can think about submitting an application or nominating somebody else. It is an exciting time to get more involved in the school and working with our new School Director, Paul Slocombe.

Once the nomination period closes we begin the voting period from March 27th to April 20th. 

Let's have 100% of you to vote...why not!?


We are hosting the MS Girls CEESA Basketball tournament, March 5-7!  AISB will have two teams participating from the Middle School!  

I know many of you will be hosting some of our visiting athletes, and thank you so much for helping out. We really need your support to house athletes to make these events successful for our students.  There is another way that I need your help and that is to come on out and watch some games here at the school!  This is our end of season tournament and we are lucky enough to be hosting here at AISB!  I need all the Dads and Moms to come on out and watch some of the games.

Games start on the Thursday, continue into Friday and all day on Saturday! Please make time on your schedule to come on out all day on Saturday and cheer your head off (just like a Middle School Kids!).  Cheer so loud, that your head will pop right off your shoulders!  We want to get 50 parents out here on Saturday to cheer on our two teams from AISB and show the visiting teams some support!

A schedule will be sent home a schedule later in the week but be sure to put on schedule, Basketball games Saturday March 7th starting at 9:00AM!


Our MS teams in Boys Basketball and Swim teams will participate in their CEESA tournaments this weekend. The Boys Basketball team will be traveling to Warsaw this week starting on Thursday. Best of luck to Coach Fubler and the team!

The MS Swim teams will also head to Warsaw for their CEESA event. Best of luck to the swimmers and coach Zsuzsanna Szilva. The Swim and Basketball teams head out on Thursday at 10:00am from AISB.

Streaming of  Boys Basketball and Swimming events:
These channels  will be active on March 6th and 7th. 

Swimming Channel  -
Basketball Court 1 (new Gym) -
Basketball Court 2 -(old Gym)

Swim Meet Live Results-

MEET MOBILE APPLICATION can access LIVE RESULTS!!! Download free app from: 

Then check on your device for events/results on March 6 and 7, under 2015 CEESA Swim Championships.


Six dedicated students from the Middle School made the journey through the snowstorm on February 5th to attend the annual Mathcounts tournament, hosted by the American International School of Zagreb.

There were 57 students from seven schools, competing in 14 teams for the individual and/or team trophies, by solving advanced problems from the grade 7 and grade 8 math curriculum.  This year's competitors were:

Viktor Stanev (Grade 8), Nick Sun (Grade 8), Tianchen Wu (Grade 7),
Seonwoo Kim (Grade 7), Chanhyuk Lee (Grade 7), and Nikolaj Zabrodszkij (Grade 7)

Both of our three-person teams performed admirably by achieving fifth and seventh place out of 19! Our own Chanhyuk went as far as to win the individual First Place medal for the whole event!

Both during and outside the tournament activities, all AISB  team members displayed a friendly competitive spirit and good sportsmanship.  

Bravo to AISB Mathcounts 2015!
John Matlock
Grade 7 Math
Approximately 50 students from the 8th grade went to visit the Partially-Sighted school in Budapest. The visit is part of an ongoing service learning relationship that the 8th grade has with this school. Our AISB students started the day learning about the purpose of the school: who are the students served? What vision needs do they have? Our students learned about the diseases that are responsible for some of the students at the school losing their sight and what the prognosis might be for some of them.

Afterward, our students participated in a range of activities with the partially-sighted students and toured the school Our students learned some traditional dance -- experiencing the activity being partially-sighted. During the activity our students wore glasses and googles that mimicked the vision that some students who are partially-sighted experience. Other activities included learning about the technology and tools that are available to the students, including learning about braille.
Our students will be hosting these students later this spring here at AISB.

Dear Parents,
The Spring Activities sign-up information was recently sent to you. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. You (Parents only) will be receiving a sign-up link on Monday, March 9 @ 7:00pm. Please sign-up with your child as early as possible. Many activities have a limited number of places. We look forward to an amazing Spring Activity Session.

Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator / M.S French

Dear Parents,
We in the health office have noticed many students who are feeling tired or have headaches during school. Many report having less than 7 hours of sleep at night. Here is an interesting article from CNN Health about the need for sleep for all ages.
Sue Spencer and Petra Floszberger
MS/HS Nurses

Welcome back from the February Break!  I sincerely hope that you and your family enjoyed time to rest, rejuvenate, and have returned with renewed health! What an illness season this has been!
Among the many MS ongoing activities, the Counseling office is busy too! Elementary and High School colleagues and I are beginning to plan transitional programs for 5th and 8th graders. We are looking at the best ways to assist our division-changing students with a comfortable and informed transition. Parent involvement will certainly be part of the transition plan. More info will be forthcoming.
A special activity is coming up for Grade Eight students: Career Day. In the past, this event included a TED-like Talk (parents describing how they pursued Higher Education and started their job endeavors) and also a job shadowing day. I will be soliciting parent involvement to enrich this experience for our Eighth Graders!
Please plan to attend one or both of the last two book groups on HOW CHILDREN SUCCEED, Paul Tough's thought-provoking book. MS Parent Book Club meets on the two following Thursday's after Break (2:15pm in the MS Counseling Office).
Lots to look forward this quarter!
Kind regards,
Nancy Seibel
Middle School Counselor

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