Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week of February 16,2015

Dear Middle School Parents,

Thank you to all those who were able to participate in the Middle School Celebration of Learning this past week.  We have had so many students and faculty (including me!) out with colds and flu that we were missing many community members on the day.  For those who were able to attend, the results were spectacular with the focus on the academic achievements and accomplishments of our students.  

In every corner of the Middle School, the classrooms had parents, students and teachers meeting to talk, share and discuss the learning of students. It is a powerful experience to sit and talk with students about their reflections from the first part of the school year and listen to students describe, explain and challenge their thinking, learning and growth. It is equally amazing to stop and think as the adults in the room about where this child or the collective group of children were in their academic growth and learning back in August. 

The students have worked hard and remained focused on their learning, and they have learned a great deal about learning and thinking and how this will assist them in the future.  We look forward to the remainder of the school year and the growth, risks and development that they will experience.


Ski Week begins on Friday.  To prepare for this, please help your child remember to clean out his or her locker before Friday. We do not want any additional Science Fair Projects growing in student lockers over the break! We hope the holiday period is a time to rest, relax, read and catch up with your family.


We do not support planned holidays outside of our abundant school vacation time. Extra trips put undue stress and pressure on children since they are missing classroom learning time and will have work to make-up when they return. Classroom-based activities cannot be replicated, so children on extra vacations miss out on essential learning opportunities.  

Please, to the best of your ability, plan your holidays around school holidays.  If you cannot, your child needs to complete a planned absence form well in advance of the trip. We ask that you give teachers multiple days notice for a planned absence. 

Have a great weekend and thank you for your ongoing support of the Middle School.  

Paul Ducharme 
Middle School Principal

Blazer Barkers:

Dear Parents,

This week, the Blazer Barkers are holding their 3rd annual book drive. If you have books, dvd's, games or puzzles that you are willing to donate, we would be very grateful. Adult or children's books in fiction or nonfiction, preferably in English or Hungarian, sell best. We will sell all donations at the Book Sale during the PSA International Fair.

The money from the sale goes to sponsor more dogs! Bins will be set-up in the Middle School lobby so you can drop off your donations in the morning. The Book drive lasts all week: Monday, February 16 through Friday, February 20.

Many thanks,


LIBRARY UPDATE- Author Visit on March 2nd and 3rd

Dear Parents,
Please see here for information about our author visit in March
with LAURIE HALSE ANDERSON!​ If you'd like to order her books, the order form is here. You can also get a form in the library. She will sign books you have bought when she visits on​ March 2 and 3.

MS/HS Librarian


What an exciting time coming up the first weekend after the the Ski Break!  We are hosting the MS Girls CEESA Basketball tournament, March 5-7!  AISB will have two teams participating from the Middle School!  

I know many of you will be hosting some of our visiting athletes and thank you so much for helping out. We really need your support to house athletes to make these events successful for our students. There is another way that I need your help and that is to come on out and watch some games here at the school!  This is our end of season Basketball tournament!  I need all the Dads and Moms to come on out and watch some of the games.

Games start on the Thursday, continue into Friday and go all day on Saturday!  Please make time in your schedule to come out Saturday and cheer your head off (just like a Middle School Kids!). Cheer so loud, that your head will pop right off your shoulders!  We want to get 50 parents out here on Saturday to cheer on our two teams from AISB and show the visiting teams some support!

A schedule will be sent home later in the week but here's the main point: Basketball games Saturday March 7th starting at 9:00AM!


WELCOME to our newest MS Students!


Petr (GR 6) was absent today and Seo-Bin (GR 8) will be starting on Monday, are both missing from the photo!  We are truly an international group of new students representing:

China / Hungary / Korea / United States / Russia

Congratulations to all of our students for their exceptional efforts in the Celebration of Learning this past week!

Parents:  An enthusiastic group met this past Thursday to begin discussion of HOW CHILDREN SUCCEED by Paul Tough.  Please join us next Thursday at 2:15pm!  Let me know if I can email you a NY Times Book Review to get you started on this thought-provoking book!

Best regards,

Nancy Seibel
MS Counselor

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