Dear Middle School Parents,
Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. We had an amazing week with many highlights that I would like to share with you. The highlights included an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week during which the teachers and staff were showered with treats, surprises, and appreciation. One gift every teacher and staff member received was a "Super Hero" cape. The "Super Hero" capes included a special badge that students designed and made specifically for each teacher. Students had been working on these since mid January! This event would not have been possible without your support and the leadership provided by the MS PSA organizers: Deb Christian and Nikki Smith.
MS Social and PSA Meeting-Friday Night Summary
We had two events on Friday night: the MS PSA meeting and a MS Social. The Social was directed by our MS Intern, Mr. Tynan. He was assisted by MS students who have been working hard over the last few weeks on this event. The students came up with an 80's theme, decorated the cafeteria with a "Chill Out Zone", and put up a photo booth and cool signs all over. We had over 120 students attend the Social and many thanks to Mr. Tynan for overseeing the event. If you are interested in seeing some of the material presented at the PSA meeting here is the ppt with a MS update.
Prizma Event
This Saturday was also one of our MS Prizma events that took place at Elevenpark. The event was well attended with nearly 50 MS students who had signed up to be part of the day. These students were teamed up with their Prizma partners and off they went exploring, laughing, and building friendships during the Elevenpark event. Many thanks to the organizer, Mr. Lavoie who was assisted by Mr. Rudnicki and chaperones Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Lavoie, Ms. Pal and Ms. Cuchia-Gracia!
MS Co-Curricular Celebration: Sports, Clubs, Activities From Trimester 2
A big thank you to our coaches and sponsors of clubs and activities during the second term. We had our celebration of achievement for the co-curricular events on Thursday afternoon with students and parents. The students had a very exciting second term with loads of highlights on a team and individual basis. Some of the team highlights include the Boy Basketball team winning CEESA and the Girls Basketball team finishing second and our B Girls Basketball team winning the fair Play CEESA award! Well done everyone and congratulations on a fine season of sport, activities, and clubs. We look forward to this term's round of activities which are already in full swing.
End of the Quarter On Friday, April 3rd & Report Cards
Just a reminder that the third quarter will end this Friday. Students are encouraged to check with teachers and be sure to submit any work that they owe and also to finish the quarter on a high note. Report Cards will be available on Wednesday, April 15th and the Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, April 16th.
Hard copies of Report Cards will be available at the Parent-Student-Teacher Day on April 16th. For the 3rd quarter, students will get feedback on their Habits of Learning, they will receive a grade in each class, and they will write their own reflective comment about the quarter. In the reflective statement, students will focus on what obstacles they overcame, what they are proud of, and where they have shown growth or what are they still struggling with. In addition to the student-written comment, teachers will write a comment for some of their students. Please be sure to bring your child with you to the conference day to get the most out of the conversation.
Second Annual Food Frenzy
Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. We had an amazing week with many highlights that I would like to share with you. The highlights included an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week during which the teachers and staff were showered with treats, surprises, and appreciation. One gift every teacher and staff member received was a "Super Hero" cape. The "Super Hero" capes included a special badge that students designed and made specifically for each teacher. Students had been working on these since mid January! This event would not have been possible without your support and the leadership provided by the MS PSA organizers: Deb Christian and Nikki Smith.
MS Social and PSA Meeting-Friday Night Summary
We had two events on Friday night: the MS PSA meeting and a MS Social. The Social was directed by our MS Intern, Mr. Tynan. He was assisted by MS students who have been working hard over the last few weeks on this event. The students came up with an 80's theme, decorated the cafeteria with a "Chill Out Zone", and put up a photo booth and cool signs all over. We had over 120 students attend the Social and many thanks to Mr. Tynan for overseeing the event. If you are interested in seeing some of the material presented at the PSA meeting here is the ppt with a MS update.
Prizma Event
This Saturday was also one of our MS Prizma events that took place at Elevenpark. The event was well attended with nearly 50 MS students who had signed up to be part of the day. These students were teamed up with their Prizma partners and off they went exploring, laughing, and building friendships during the Elevenpark event. Many thanks to the organizer, Mr. Lavoie who was assisted by Mr. Rudnicki and chaperones Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Lavoie, Ms. Pal and Ms. Cuchia-Gracia!
MS Co-Curricular Celebration: Sports, Clubs, Activities From Trimester 2
A big thank you to our coaches and sponsors of clubs and activities during the second term. We had our celebration of achievement for the co-curricular events on Thursday afternoon with students and parents. The students had a very exciting second term with loads of highlights on a team and individual basis. Some of the team highlights include the Boy Basketball team winning CEESA and the Girls Basketball team finishing second and our B Girls Basketball team winning the fair Play CEESA award! Well done everyone and congratulations on a fine season of sport, activities, and clubs. We look forward to this term's round of activities which are already in full swing.
End of the Quarter On Friday, April 3rd & Report Cards
Just a reminder that the third quarter will end this Friday. Students are encouraged to check with teachers and be sure to submit any work that they owe and also to finish the quarter on a high note. Report Cards will be available on Wednesday, April 15th and the Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, April 16th.
Hard copies of Report Cards will be available at the Parent-Student-Teacher Day on April 16th. For the 3rd quarter, students will get feedback on their Habits of Learning, they will receive a grade in each class, and they will write their own reflective comment about the quarter. In the reflective statement, students will focus on what obstacles they overcame, what they are proud of, and where they have shown growth or what are they still struggling with. In addition to the student-written comment, teachers will write a comment for some of their students. Please be sure to bring your child with you to the conference day to get the most out of the conversation.
Second Annual Food Frenzy
Linked here you will find a mini-poster advertising our second annual Food Frenzy. This year we are supporting an organization called the Order of Malta. They came to a Middle School assembly and spoke to us about all of the important work they do in the community. They are very excited that we have chosen to support them by donating food. They support thousands of needy families and children throughout Hungary. Our Food Frenzy will take place the week of March 30th through April 3rd. Here is a list of foods that students can donate:
Long-life milk
Canned fish
Canned meat
Canned vegetables
Soup packets
Chocolate bars
Thank you so much for your support!
Upcoming Important Dates:
April 3: End of the 3rd Quarter
April 3: 8th Graders make Art Class Choice
April 15: Report Card visible online (VeraCross) @ 5:00pm
Partial Sighted School Visit-8th Grade Students Only
April 16: (8:30-3:30pm) Parent / Teacher / Student Conference
(All Parents and students are encouraged to attend)
Counselor's Corner
SAVE THE DATES! The next MS Parent Book Club will address Robin Pascoe's RAISING GLOBAL NOMADS: Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World. Please join us for lively discussions in the MS Counseling office!
Dates: April 16, 23, 30, May 7 from 2:15 to 3:15
ART THERAPY! A parent in our school community would like to inform you about Art Therapy and her practice with adults and children. She describes it this way:
"Art Therapy is a therapy focused on the entire personality. It is a method through the therapist's direction which does not follow concrete definitions but rather is a process using the tools of creative arts. The artistic work and the creative process gives the path. The process is more important than the final result. Drawing, painting and sculpture are consciously used. Drawing frees up the thinking process, painting clarifies feelings and sculpture works with personal will."
If you are interested or need more info, contact Monika Steinberg (
VISION 2019 Conference: Grade 8 Career Days
Ted Talks: April 22-TED Talks (11:15-1:00)
Talking with Grade 8 students about your career choices and the pathway or journey that led you to career choices/ Discussing events and times that required you to persevere and obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals. How did you discover what you are now interested in as an adult? What advice do you have for people growing up today about finding one day a job?
Job Shadowing (May 28th from 8:30-3:30)
Please contact me if you might want to share your work and workplace with some inquisitive 8th graders! Last year we had nine different locations for our students in grade 8 to go and visit for the day. This was a day that many look back on fondly, as they truly enjoyed seeing work places and job spaces of interesting careers. If you can host a group of 8th graders at your job location or site and would be interested in showing and displaying what your field and career area is to our students, please drop us a line.
Departing Students and Families
We sincerely hope that you and your children plan to stay at AISB! If, however, your family needs to move on, please let us know as soon as possible. It would be most helpful for you also to contact Admissions ( directly to let them know of your plans.
We sincerely hope that you and your children plan to stay at AISB! If, however, your family needs to move on, please let us know as soon as possible. It would be most helpful for you also to contact Admissions ( directly to let them know of your plans.
Happy Spring!
Nancy Seibel
MS Counselor
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