Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 26 in the Middle . . .

Performance Poets Visit the MS:

Middle School students thoroughly enjoyed their experience with high energy spoken poets, Sara Holbrook and Michael Salinger, who visited AISB this week from the United States. They presented their poetry at a MS school assembly and worked with students on writing poetry and public speaking skills throughout the week. 

Together, Sara and Michael, have written over 20 books about poetry as well as some professional books for teachers. They have traveled to over 35 countries and have extensive experience writing with second language learners. They believe poetry can be inspirational and give students the power to be stronger communicators. More information about these award winning poets can be found at:

Parent Teacher Conferences:

Please note that conferences will take place next Friday, April 1st from 8:30 - 3:30 in the Building B gymnasium.  A separate email has been sent including general information and a map for quick reference during conferences.  We look forward to seeing you on campus! Teachers are currently updating progress reports which will go live on Wednesday, March 30th.  Please note that due to the timing of conferences with respect to the final day of Quarter 3 falling on April 1st, our 1/4 year courses (Exploratory and Health & Wellness) grades will be updated the week following conferences.

Student Life Update:

This weeks' Student Life Update will only deal with one topic: The AMIS Middle School Honor Girls Choir Festival! The American International School of Budapest is honored to host this prestigious event featuring seventy-five singers from twelve International Schools spanning the globe. 

The three day festival will culminate with a gala concert on Saturday, April 2nd @ 7:00 p.m. in the theater. We are hoping that you will attend this event and come and support our nine Blazer ladies who will be singing their hearts out with their AMIS peers. 

We hope to see you there!

Happy Easter everyone :)

Marc Lavoie
Student Life Coordinator / MS French

Photographer on Campus:

On Wednesday, March 30th, we will have the school photographer at AISB for make-up photos. It is intended for students who had missed or arrived after the September 7th original photo day. He will be here from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Students will be informed of the location for makeup photos via our morning MS Jing announcements.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, March 28:    Easter Monday

Tuesday, March 29:   The day will run according to the Monday class schedule

Full Faculty and Staff Accreditation mtg. 15:45 - 17:00
** No activities after school on this day.

Wednesday, Mar 30: School photos - make up 9:00 - 13:00
AMIS MS Girls Choir Festival
MS Assembly/Advisory 11:15-12:05
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40

Thursday, Mar 31: AMIS MS Girls Choir festival
CEESA Choir at 16:30 in ES music room
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Knowledge Bowl 15:40
Parent Book Club 14:00 - 15:15
MS Drone Club 15:40 - 16:30
Girls Volleyball 15:40
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40

Friday, April 1: AMIS MS Girls Choir festival
End of Quarter 3 / Actual end date for Explos / H&W
Parent - Student - Teacher Conferences
Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal
American International School of Budapest

Friday, March 18, 2016

Week 25 in the Middle!

Middle School Pi Day:

Many students would argue that there could be no reason in existence to celebrate anything to do with math, but at AISB, Pi Day is one of the cornerstone holidays we treasure!  Similar to middle school student creativity and enthusiasm, the number pi is unending.  It is one of the great mysterious quantities that explains so much of our universe, from the orbit of the electron to the rotation of our galaxy.  Pi is limitless, as is the potential of our students.

On Wednesday, March 16th, in the theater, students by grade level were given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and problem-solving capabilities for the goal of "pieing" a math teacher.  The competition was spirited and occasionally fierce, but in the end, Mr. Robinson was crowned the "Pi Day King" and ceremoniously initiated into that role.  

Afterwards, our gracious PSA moms provided pies of different varieties for the students during lunch time.  As students consumed the pies, on their faces was a renewed respect and love for math; a subject that has done so much to enrich our lives, both in and outside of the classroom.

Mr. Matlock
MS Grade 7 Math

Students competing in assembly with pi Day Math trivia questions . . .

Student Farewell:
Farewell to Ria Sumita, Grade 8.

Ria came to AISB in Grade 6.  She leaves AISB, her friends and teachers and fellow CEESA Band players to return to Japan.  Her school calendar starts in April and ends in March.  This means that Ria will start Grade 9 in April.  Wish we could give you a summer break, Ria!

Ria will be deeply missed by so many of us!  We wish her the very best in her new school!  Keep in touch Ria!!!

Student Life Update:
Last Friday, we had a very successful Fun Frenzy with 130 Blazers signing-up and having an absolute blast! A huge thanks goes out to our PSA for funding all of the rides and inflatables.

Blazers are now in the process of signing-up for Spring Activities. The final lists will be posted on Monday, March 21st on the Middle School Activities Board and on the Middle School Portals. Please note that most activities have a limited number of places available and not every student signing-up will be able to get in.

We are continuing to prepare for the AMIS (Association of Music in International Schools) Honor Girls Choir Festival at the end of the month. We are strongly encouraging you to please attend the final concert which will take place on Saturday, April 2 at 6:30pm.

And last but not least, the Blazer Barkers will be holding a brownie and calendar sale on Thursday, March 24 during lunch. We will selling calendars featuring the stars of our program: The Dogs of the Shelter!

Have a great weekend,
Marc Lavoie

PSA Update:

Thank you to those parents across divisions for joining a discussion on Service Learning at AISB, presented by Mr. Ben O'Brien (HS Counselor / HS CAS Coordinator, Mr. Marc Lavoie MS Student Life Coordinator and Ms. Delinka Fabiny (MS/HS French).  The director and the psychologist from Bolyai children's home (the home where our Giving Tree gifts go to), also joined the meeting and explained about the home, the children and their background and how important it is for the children to get support.

For those that were unable to attend this event, feel free to access the information at the following link: Service Learning Presentation.

The next PSA meeting will be on Friday, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. during the MS Social - we hope to see you there!

Spanish 8 Legends and Fairy Tales Unit:

The 8 Advanced Spanish students have been studying legends and fairy tales in Spanish in order to learn to use the past tenses. As a culminating project, they wrote a legend from their home culture in Spanish and used this to create a children's book. Today 8th graders went to the elementary school to read their books and leave them as a gift for each class to add to their class library. The 8th graders enjoyed sharing their culture, a new language, and some delicious milk and cookies with the younger students! 

Tami Canale, EdD
Accreditation Coordinator
MS World Language Coordinator

MS Counselor's Update:

Parent Book Club:  MS and interested HS parents are welcome to attend Book Club next week!

When:    Thursday, March, 24th, 2016 from 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Where:   MS Counseling Office
Theme:  What to know about "Sexting".  Are teens sending inappropriate info/photos on the internet?
Contact: Please email me  (or stop by) for a copy of the article we will be discussing.

Hope to see you soon! 

Nancy Seibel
MS Counselor

Upcoming Events:

Monday, March 21:    MS Spring activities and sports season begin
Spoken Poets MS Assembly at 10:00-10:30 in the Theater
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Girls and Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40

Tuesday, March 22:   All school Food Frenzy
Spoken poets visit
MS Art Club 15:40 - 16:30

Wednesday, Mar 23: All school Food Frenzy
Spoken poets visit
MS Assembly 11:15 - 12:05
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30
Girls and Boys Softball 15:40
Girls and Boys Volleyball 15:40
Girls and Boys Track and Field 15:40
Italian Club 15:45 - 17:15

Thursday, Mar 24: All school Food Frenzy
Spoken poets visit
Brownies & Calendars sale
CEESA Choir at 16:30 in ES music room
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Knowledge Bowl 15:40
Parent Book Club 14:00 - 15:15
MS Drone Club 15:40 - 16:30
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40

Friday, Mar 25: All school Food Frenzy
Spoken Poets Visit
Boys and Girls Golf 15:40
MS Floorball 15:30 - 16:30
MS Badminton - 1st session - 15:30-16:30
MS Badminton - 2nd session - 16:30-17:30

Have a great weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
MS Principal

Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 24 in the Middle!

Grade 8 Service Learning Update:
On Tuesday, March 8th, the 8th grade class welcomed our friends from the Partially Sighted School of Budapest for a day of events and companionship that centered around the theme of; “self-awareness often involves knowing ourselves through understanding others.
On the one side, the students from the partially sighted school helped guide each of us in the art of appreciating the little things in life. Such appreciation took the form of finding the passion in the challenges of working together to create common arts and crafts; to create harmonious digital music through iPads; to create fun and excitement through the multi-faceted game of tandem-kickball; and, finally, to create physical bonds through the art of "hip-hop" dance.

On the other side, we supported our friends from the partially sighted school by guiding, caring for, laughing with, and leading them through a myriad of activities that, at times, forced them out of their comfort zone. A true service learning experience is a symbiotic relationship--and our experience on Tuesday was one of mutual growth and discovery.

By far, in our eleven years of partnership with the adventurous and energetic students from the partially sighted school, this year’s event encouraged all 108 students to reflect on what we have, who we are, and, most importantly, to envision who we have the potential to become. 

Doug Rudnicki
Grade 8 English / Team Leader

Message from the HS to Grade 8 Parents:
Grade 8 High School Course Selection

Grade 9/10 Counselor Mr. Ben O'Brien will be meeting with groups of Grade 8 students next week March 16-18 to discuss their High School course selections, and choices for an Art class for next year that students will need to make in Veracross. This is another step in our Grade 8 to 9 Transition process, and is part of working with students and parents to help them better understand the high school program.

Grade 8 students and families can see what these Art area classes are that they can choose from, and learn more about all of the High School program by downloading the High School course descriptions PDF at this link or in the attached FAQ document about High School course selections.

There will be future opportunities this Spring for parents to attend information sessions on the AISB high school program and academics. Stay tuned for more!

Best regards,

Ben O'Brien
Grade 9/10 HS Counselor

MS Math Update:
This year, the Middle School will celebrate Pi Day on Wednesday, March 16!  As usual, the MS students will participate in math-related activities in order to celebrate the fact that they get to have math class for the foreseeable future.

Inline image 1Students will be in the AISB theater on Wednesday, March 11th, from 11:15 - 12:05, competing by grade level to vandalize a math teacher's face with pie.  Afterwards at 12:15, like last year, students, parents and teachers will be invited to gather in the MS lobby (by the "tech deck") to have some pie donated by the PSA.

CALL FOR PIES! - AS YOU MAY HAVE READ IN THE PSA NEWSLETTER, THE MIDDLE SCHOOL NEEDS PIES FOR THE EVENT.  IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL PIE RECIPE YOU WANT TO SHARE, THIS IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!  If you do send a pie with your child on Wednesday, there will be tables available in the MS lobby from 8:00AM for pies.  Please have your child drop off the pie on the table on his/her way to class. THANK YOU!


PSA Update:

PSA Meeting March 16th 8:45 a.m. in the Faculty Dining Room.

  • You have heard about the Giving Tree, but did you know that the gifts go to Bolyai, a children's home that our school supports? At our next PSA meeting on March 16th we will meet the director and the psychologist from Bolyai children's home, who will tell us about the home, the children and their background and how important it is for the children to get support.

  • We have also invited Mr. Ben O'Brien and Mr. Marc Lavoie who will give a presentation about service learning at AISB. Ms Delinka Fabiny will talk to us about the Senegal Project (* see more info below related to this project).

  • Don't miss the opportunity to come and learn more about these fantastic projects.
Middle School Pi Day March 16th
  • Directly after the PSA meeting we kindly ask for your help again; Middle School is organizing the annual Pi day, where one of the highlights for the students is eating a slice of pie. Please let Clara or Annelies know if you can bring a pie. We would also like your help cutting the pies at 11:15 in the Cafeteria. Thank you in advance!

Thank you,
Annelies and Clara

The Senegal Project:

The goal of this project is to provide opportunities for our students to be exposed to experiential learning that enhances skills and prepares students to be responsible global citizens. Grades 6/7 Intermediate French students wrote pen-pal letters to introduce themselves to students in Senegal and explain about their favorite city. High School students who traveled to Senegal in October, were also able to make direct discoveries about another culture.

MS French students are sponsoring the education and school lunches of an orphaned Senegalese boy named Alpha.  Within this project, our students learn more about the issues of poverty and malnutrition in a developing country. They also understand that we have the opportunity to change an impoverished boy's life, (Alpha), by providing him with an education and daily nourishment.

MS students will hold a fundraising lunch for Alpha which will take place on Friday, April 8th. Tickets will be sold and all MS French students will be asked to participate by bringing food on that day. 

This project is a wonderful opportunity to connect with another culture, with each other and through these connections, to make a difference!

Delinka Fabiny
MS/HS French

Student Life Update:
We are pleased to report that an outstanding 130 students signed-up for the March, 11 Friday Fun Frenzy! Please stay tuned for some highlight pics in next week's blog! 

We would also like to thank all the coaches and sponsors for a wonderful Winter Co-Curricular Celebration! We look forward to the Spring Session which will last until the third week of May. Please note that the sign-ups for the Spring session will begin on Wednesday, March 16 @ 7:00 pm on the parent portal.

Lastly, please don't forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, April 2 and the AMIS Honor Girls Choir Concert! We are aiming to get at least 200 people in attendance.

Marc Lavoie
MS Student Life Coordinator

MS French Update:

The 7th grade advanced French class was honored to perform on Friday a play adaption of the iconic French book "Le Petit Prince". Students worked diligently over the last month to come up with a quality play which pays homage to this beautiful text. The play provided the students an opportunity to extend their vocabulary and practice their French speaking and pronunciation skills. The following is a synopsis of the play which was performed by the students:

An aviator, crashes with his plane in the middle of the Sahara desert. While he is trying to repair his plane, a little boy appears and asks him to draw a sheep. The author learns that The boy who calls himself the Little Prince comes from asteroid B-612 where he has left behind three volcanoes and a rose. Before reaching Earth, the Little Prince visits other planets and meets some very odd people: a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a lamplighter, a geographer and a businessman. While on Earth, he befriends a fox who teaches him the true meaning of friendship. In order to return to his planet and his rose, The Little Prince allows himself to be bitten by a poisonous snake: his planet is too far away, he cannot take his « shell ». The aviator, who has finally succeeded in repairing his plane, also leaves the desert.  He will never forget his encounter with the Little Prince…

Many thanks to all of you who attended the play and supported us and a special thanks to Mrs. Belkacemi for her work on the beautiful costumes.

Kind Regards,

Marc Lavoie
MS French

MS Girl Scout Bake Sale:

Our middle school Girl Scout Cadettes held a bake sale on Thursday to raise money for their annual camping trip. The girls baked cookies, cupcakes, muffins and brownies. They advertised with signs and in the morning MS JING. On the day of the sale, the girls sold their baked goods to middle and high school students during lunch time. All the yummy treats were sold within 10 minutes and the girls raised over 32,000 HUF. These 8 cadettes should be proud of a job well done.

Robin Mahon
Grade 7 Science / MS Girl Scout Cadettes Troop Leader

MS Counselor's Update:

Parent Book Club:  MS and interested HS parents are welcome to attend Book Club next week!

When:    ThursdayMarch, 17, 2016  from 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Where:   MS Counseling Office
Theme:  What to know about "Sexting".  Are teens sending inappropriate info/photos on the internet?
Contact: Please email me  (or stop by) for a copy of the article we will be discussing.

Hope to see you soon! 

Nancy Seibel
MS Counselor


CEESA Swim Meet - March 4-5 at AISB
What a fantastic weekend of swimming and fun here at AISB as we hosted the CEESA Swim Meet.  It was great to see so many kids from our school and CEESA doing so well.  In total, 25 new CEESA records were set!

Kyungchan Min - Grade 8
The AISB MS Boys team took third place.  Special recognition to 8th grader Kyungchan Min who won four gold medals and set four new CEESA records along the way!  The MS girls placed fourth overall out of 14 teams and had several podium appearances with various medal-winning results.  Please click here for a complete list of details.

Many thanks to all of the host-families and booster club for their support to make this event a huge success for AISB & CEESA.  Well done!

Congratulations to our MS Basketball Teams who competed in tournaments this weekend!
  • MS Boys A-team at CEESA Tournament - Bucharest, Romania - 4th Place
  • MS Boys B-team at DVAC Tournament - Bratislava, Slovakia - 3rd Place
  • MS Girls A-team at CEESA Tournament - Kiev, Ukraine - 2nd Place
  • MS Girls B-team at DVAC Tournament - Vienna, Austria - 5th Place

** Next week will be the pre-registration period for Spring Sports . . . please be on the lookout for an email from Mr. Fleming in this regard.

Matt Fleming
AISB Athletic Director

Upcoming Events:

Monday, March 14:    PD Day (No school for students)

MS Sports sign-ups

Tuesday, March 15:   Hungarian National Day - (No school)

MS Sports sign-ups

Wednesday, Mar 16:   MS Pi (𝜫) Day

MS Spring Activities and Sports sign ups (7:00 pm online)
MS Sports sign ups
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30

Thursday, Mar 17: MS Spring Activities and Sports sign-ups
CEESA Choir at 16:30 in ES music room
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Knowledge Bowl 15:40
Parent Book Club 14:00 - 15:15

Friday, Mar 18: MS Spring Activities and Sports sign-ups
MS Floorball 15:30 - 16:30

Have a great weekend Middle School community!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
MS Principal