Friday, August 28, 2015

Week 1 in the Middle!

Day 1:

We had a great first day in the Middle School - thank you and congratulations to all students and teachers!  On Day 1, students made their way to advisory classes to start the day with a variety of activities taking place across grade levels. Staff and students enjoyed our first assembly of the year at the end of the day which included:

1. Movin’ On Up Ceremony

2. AISB Director's Welcome by Mr. Paul Slocombe.

3. MS Principal's Welcome by Mr. Ball.

4. United Nations activity – Recognizing the diversity of nationalities in the MS. 

5. Housing, Sports and Activities Announcements.

6. Drama & Speech and Debate announcements.

7. New students, Mr. George and Mr. Ball were on stage taking the "Blazer Oath".

8. Blazer Cheer with all staff and students by Dr. Canali!

9. Closing remarks by Mr. Lavoie.

There was such great energy in the air - thank you to Mr. Lavoie and all staff for leading various parts of this first assembly.

Middle School PSA Meeting:

Sincere thanks to all parents who attended the first MS PSA meeting of the year.  I've been told there were record numbers at this meeting and so with this in mind, I would like to encourage all parents to join and if a larger venue is needed for the next meeting, we'll work it out!  I would also like to thank our MS PSA representatives, Annalies Van der Donckt and Clara Bystrand for organizing and chairing the meeting today.  I look forward to a great year ahead working in harmony with the MS PSA!

Freeze Pop Friday:

Middle School students were treated to an ice cold popsicle during lunch on Friday, August 28th in celebration of a successful first week in the Middle School.  Here are a few pictures of the fun!

Have a great weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Mr. Ball

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