Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 30, 2015

Dear Middle School Parents,

Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend. We had an amazing week with many highlights that I would like to share with you. The highlights included an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week during which the teachers and staff were showered with treats, surprises, and appreciation. One gift every teacher and staff member received was a "Super Hero" cape. The "Super Hero" capes included a special badge that students designed and made specifically for each teacher. Students had been working on these since mid January! This event would not have been possible without your support and the leadership provided by the MS PSA organizers: Deb Christian and Nikki Smith.

MS Social and PSA Meeting-Friday Night Summary

We had two events on Friday night: the MS PSA meeting and a MS Social. The Social was directed by our MS Intern, Mr. Tynan. He was assisted by MS students who have been working hard over the last few weeks on this event. The students came up with an 80's theme, decorated the cafeteria with a "Chill Out Zone", and put up a photo booth and cool signs all over.  We had over 120 students attend the Social and many thanks to Mr. Tynan for overseeing the event. If you are interested in seeing some of the material presented at the PSA meeting here is the ppt with a MS update.

Prizma Event

This Saturday was also one of our MS Prizma events that took place at Elevenpark. The event was well attended with nearly 50 MS students who had signed up to be part of the day. These students were teamed up with their Prizma partners and off they went exploring, laughing, and building friendships during the Elevenpark event. Many thanks to the organizer, Mr. Lavoie who was assisted by Mr. Rudnicki and chaperones Mrs. Fleming, Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Lavoie, Ms. Pal and Ms. Cuchia-Gracia!

MS Co-Curricular Celebration: Sports, Clubs, Activities From Trimester 2

A big thank you to our coaches and sponsors of clubs and activities during the second term. We had our celebration of achievement for the co-curricular events on Thursday afternoon with students and parents. The students had a very exciting second term with loads of highlights on a team and individual basis. Some of the team highlights include the Boy Basketball team winning CEESA and the Girls Basketball team finishing second and our B Girls Basketball team winning the fair Play CEESA award!  Well done everyone and congratulations on a fine season of sport, activities, and clubs.  We look forward to this term's round of activities which are already in full swing.

End of the Quarter On Friday, April 3rd & Report Cards

Just a reminder that the third quarter will end this Friday. Students are encouraged to check with teachers and be sure to submit any work that they owe and also to finish the quarter on a high note. Report Cards will be available on Wednesday, April 15th and the Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, April 16th.

Hard copies of Report Cards will be available at the Parent-Student-Teacher Day on April 16th. For the 3rd quarter, students will get feedback on their Habits of Learning, they will receive a grade in each class, and they will write their own reflective comment about the quarter. In the reflective statement, students will focus on what obstacles they overcame, what they are proud of, and where they have shown growth or what are they still struggling with.  In addition to the student-written comment, teachers will write a comment for some of their students.  Please be sure to bring your child with you to the conference day to get the most out of the conversation.

Second Annual Food Frenzy

Linked here you will find a mini-poster advertising our second annual Food Frenzy. This year we are supporting an organization called the Order of Malta. They came to a Middle School assembly and spoke to us about all of the important work they do in the community. They are very excited that we have chosen to support them by donating food. They support thousands of needy families and children throughout Hungary. Our Food Frenzy will take place the week of March 30th through April 3rd. Here is a list of foods that students can donate:

Long-life milk
Canned fish
Canned meat
Canned vegetables
Soup packets
Chocolate bars

Thank you so much for your support!

Upcoming Important Dates: 

April 3: End of the 3rd Quarter
April 3: 8th Graders make Art Class Choice
April 15: Report Card visible online (VeraCross) @ 5:00pm
Partial Sighted School Visit-8th Grade Students Only
April 16: (8:30-3:30pm) Parent / Teacher / Student Conference 
(All Parents and students are encouraged to attend)

Counselor's Corner

SAVE THE DATES!  The next MS Parent Book Club will address Robin Pascoe's RAISING GLOBAL NOMADS: Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World. Please join us for lively discussions in the MS Counseling office!   
Dates: April 16, 23, 30, May 7 from 2:15 to 3:15   

ART THERAPY!  A parent in our school community would like to inform you about Art Therapy and her practice with adults and children.  She describes it this way:

"Art Therapy is a therapy focused on the entire personality.  It is a method through the therapist's direction which does not follow concrete definitions but rather is a process using the tools of creative arts.  The artistic work and the creative process gives the path. The process is more important than the final result.  Drawing, painting and sculpture are consciously used.  Drawing frees up the thinking process, painting clarifies feelings and sculpture works with personal will."

If you are interested or need more info, contact Monika Steinberg (

VISION 2019 Conference: Grade 8 Career Days

Ted Talks: April 22-TED Talks (11:15-1:00)
Talking with Grade 8 students about your career choices and the pathway or journey that led you to career choices/ Discussing events and times that required you to persevere and obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals. How did you discover what you are now interested in as an adult?  What advice do you have for people growing up today about finding one day a job?

Job Shadowing (May 28th from 8:30-3:30)
Please contact me if you might want to share your work and workplace with some inquisitive 8th graders! Last year we had nine different locations for our students in grade 8 to go and visit for the day. This was a day that many look back on fondly, as they truly enjoyed seeing work places and job spaces of interesting careers. If you can host a group of 8th graders at your job location or site and would be interested in showing and displaying what your field and career area is to our students, please drop us a line.

Departing Students and Families  

We sincerely hope that you and your children plan to stay at AISB!  If, however, your family needs to move on, please let us know as soon as possible.  It would be most helpful for you also to contact Admissions ( directly to let them know of your plans.

Happy Spring!

Nancy Seibel
MS Counselor

Sunday, March 22, 2015

News From the Middle

Dear Middle School Parents,

Hope you enjoyed the weekend. We have had a busy week and closed out with some excitement observing the solar eclipse on Friday morning. Students and teachers created viewing apparatuses in order to see the eclipse under safe conditions. The science teachers helped students manufacture viewing devices, which required on-site problem solving and innovation in action by the students. When you ask your child s/he saw the eclipse, you can also ask what was used to view it.  Many thanks to Mrs. Tarbell, Mrs. Mahon, Mr. Scanga, and Mr. Farren for their assistance with students out on the science balcony on Friday.

We have a number of events this week including our Teacher Appreciation Week, sponsored by the PSA.  Also, on Thursday the MS Co-Curricular Assembly starts after school at 4:00 pm in the school cafeteria. We hope to have another great turnout of parents to help celebrate the club, activity, and sporting achievements of our students. 

Finally, remember to click the tabs above for updates from our 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade blogs.

Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch: Tuesday, March 24th

Every year, the PSA organizes a Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch to honor the people who work with our children every day and make our school function well. This year's lunch is Tuesday, March 24th. We rely on your help to make this a special occasion for teachers, administrators, learning support staff, building maintenance staff, and security guards.

Please join in by helping in any of the following ways:
1.   Bring a pre-cooked main dish (suggest 10 person serving). Microwave available for heating food up.
2.   Bring a salad/side dish (suggest 10 person serving).
3.   Bring a dessert (suggest 10 person serving).
4.   Help set-up (8:00-10:00)
5.   Help serve, clean-up (11:45-3:00).

Please click here: to sign up.

Food items may be dropped off between 8:00 and 11:30 at the Building B Reception desk. Please label your dish and serving utensil with your name. Dishes can be picked up at the end of the school day in the Lobby.

The Faculty & Staff are always very appreciative and love our home cooked food. There are quite a few to feed, so we do hope you can help out. 

We thank you very much.

High School & Middle School PSA parent representatives
Teresa Siovolgyi, Mary Lasseter, Kirsten Reinicke
Deb Christian, Nikki Smith

Grade 7 Cultural Creative Movement Unit Assignment: PE

The performance in the video is part of our grade 7 Cultural Creative Movement unit project. Students used planning tools and worked in groups to design, create, and perform a sequence of cultural creative movements using body awareness to communicate a theme to music. Our theme honored St. Patrick's day and groups used Irish cultural movements to design a movement pattern and put it in a modern setting. From Ms. Pal's PE class in seventh grade.

AISB School Board Elections: Message From our School Director 

Dear Parents,
The nomination period for candidates for next year’s School Board ends on March 23rd. In order to have a valid election, we need three candidates for the two elected Board member vacancies.
We need your help in either becoming a candidate yourself or supporting a candidate.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite the AISB community to meet the candidates on March 24th from 8:45 to 10:00 am in the Library in Building B. You will have a chance to get to know the candidates and ask questions from them about their vision and plans for Board membership.
Best regards,

Paul Slocombe
School Director
American International School of Budapest

Winter Co-Curricular Celebration: March 26th at 4:00 p.m. 

On Thursday, March 26 we will celebrate the accomplishments of our students involved in AISB sports and activities. Parents, please join us! 

The schedule: 
4:00 Teams meet in cafeteria for pizza and music
4:25 Opening of Celebration in cafeteria
4:35 - 5:15 Teams go to classrooms for team celebrations and recognitions
5:15-5:30 Teams return to cafeteria for a Celebration Cake
5:35 Students take late bus or go home with parents.
Parents are welcome to join breakout sessions and take pictures.

Breakout session locations:

CEESA Band - B004 (the Band room)
Young Makers Club - B 111 (M.S Tech Room)
Outdoor Adventure Club - B205 (Mrs. Fleming's room)
Boys Basketball A - B210 (Mr. Fubler's room)
Boys Basketball B - B211 (Ms Henderson's room)
CEESA Math Counts - B 212 (Mr. Matlock's room)
Girls Basketball - B 213 (Ms Perzel's room)
Swim team - B220 (Mrs. Kill's room)
Floorball - B226 (Mr. Lavoie's room)
CEESA Choir - B230 (Ms Van Der Hiel's room)
Digital Photography - B 234 (Mr. Rudnicki's)
Dungeons & Dragons - B 235 (Mr. Robinson's room)

Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences: April 16, 2015 at 8:30-3:30

We look forward to welcoming you to the PST Conferences in April. Please put this date in your schedule so you and your child are able to come and talk with our teachers. Hope you enjoy these photos from our conference in November; look at how much our students have changed!


Grade 8 Photos: Preparing for the Partially Sighted School Visit 

Counselor's Corner

SAVE THE DATES!  The next MS Parent Book Club will address Robin Pascoe's RAISING GLOBAL NOMADS, Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World. Please join us for lively discussions in the MS Counseling office!   
Dates: April 16, 23, 30, May 7;  2:15 to 3:15   

ART THERAPY!  A parent in our school community would like to inform you about Art Therapy and her practice with adults and children.  She describes it this way:

"Art Therapy is a therapy focused on the entire personality.  It is a method through the therapist's direction which does not follow concrete definitions but rather is a process using the tools of creative arts.  The artistic work and the creative process gives the path. The process is more important than the final result.  Drawing, painting and sculpture are consciously used.  Drawing frees up the thinking process, painting clarifies feelings and sculpture works with personal will."

If you are interested or need more info, contact Monika Steinberg (


Ted Talks: April 22-TED Talks (11:15-1:00)
Talking with Grade 8 students about your career choices and the pathway or journey that led you to career choices/ Discussing events and times that required you to persevere and obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals. How did you discover what you are now interested in as an adult?  What advice do you have for people growing up today about finding one day a job?

Job Shadowing (May 28th from 8:30-3:30)
Please contact me if you might want to share your work and workplace with some inquisitive 8th graders! Last year we had nine different locations for our students in grade 8 to go and visit for the day. This was a day that many look back on fondly, as they truly enjoyed seeing work places and job spaces of interesting careers. If you can host a group of 8th graders at your job location or site and would be interested in showing and displaying what your field and career area is to our students, please drop us a line.


We sincerely hope that you and your children plan to stay at AISB!  If, however, your family needs to move on, please let us know as soon as possible.  It would be most helpful for you also to contact Admissions ( directly to let them know of your plans.

Happy Spring!

Nancy Seibel
MS Counselor

Saturday, March 14, 2015

News From the Middle: March 9-13

Dear Middle School Parents, 

There have been so many activities happening recently, it could make you dizzy with wondering how our students do it all! 

Last Friday we hosted a meeting for students interested in attending our next activity with the Prizma school. This was the first of three meetings, so if students could not attend, they can come to other meetings planned. We are still looking for about ten more students, so if you are interested let Mr. Lavoie know!

Poetry Recital 

Last weekend, six Middle School students performed in the Poetry Recital on Friday at the Britannica School. These six students were outstanding: well prepared and ready to deliver. One of our students, Martin Stollinger won second place for his performance of Remembrance  by Charles Henrywood. Congratulations also to Emma Karas who impressed the audience with her reading of Howl by Allen Ginsberg.

Other students who participated:
Shan Bhasin - 6th Grade (he was the first performer of the whole evening!)
Sneh Deshpande - 6th Grade
Mohamed Mohsen - 8th Grade
Venusz Karasz - 8th Grade

CEESA Girls Basketball Tournament at AISB: Second Place & Sportsmanship!

We hosted the CEESA Middle School Girls Basketball tournament last weekend. Our athletic director, Matt Fleming, ran a smooth tournament and the teams and players had an excellent experience here at AISB thanks to Mr. Fleming and his crew. Big thanks go out to all parents who hosted visiting the athletes. 

Our A-team was coached by Szandra Pal. The girls played hard and made it to the “championship round” with an undefeated record. They matched up against the other undefeated team, Bucharest, which led to a second place win in the tournament. 

Due to a school cancellation, we could offer our B-Team a spot in the tournament as well. It was a tremendous experience for the girls to play against more experienced opponents. They did a wonderful job, winning their first game and then playing the remainder of their games with a passion that would make any parent or coach proud. Congratulations to Coach Dave Tarbell and Ms.Petra Mak, who prepared the girls for the weekend. The B-Team played with such commitment, heart, hustle and that they were co-awarded the CEESA Sportsmanship trophy for the tournament! 

CEESA Boys Basketball Tournament at Warsaw: Champions!

The Boys CEESA Basketball tournament last weekend was held in Warsaw with our team led by Coach Fubler. The boys have been focused all season on getting to CEESA and winning the championship. 

This was displayed in their daily practice, commitment, lunch time meetings and game cheer “5-3-1”. The boys delivered on their goal, playing all six of their games with a singular focus and determination. They followed through on their goal and stayed within themselves, supported one another, and stayed committed, focused and hustled all tournament long. 

They won the CEESA Boys Basketball Championship of 2015! They worked extremely hard this and were amazing young men throughout this journey with their coach. We congratulate them for their outstanding effort to become a team and work together with a single focus! Congratulations to the boys and Coach Fubler on an outstanding job! 

Photos By Mike Mahon

6th Grade: Digital Books!

This week, 6th grade students completed and presented the digital books they wrote in Humanities classes. The students prepared their own digital texts describing and telling the story of prehistoric people, places, and animals. 

The students shared their research and final products with the 5th grade. Throughout Tuesday and Wednesday different 5th grade classes came up to the Middle School to sit with the sixth graders and hear their history and learn from the 6th graders. This assignment is an excellent example of a long-term research project that was transformed by students' ability to work on their own laptops. Congratulations to the 6th graders and Ms. Herbert and Mr. Valezy. 

Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch: Tuesday, March 24th

Every year the PSA organizes a Faculty/Staff Appreciation Lunch to honor the people who work with our children every day and make our school function well. It will be on Tuesday, March 24th. We rely on your help to make this a special occasion for teachers, administrators, learning support staff, building maintenance staff, and security guards.

Please join in by helping in any of the following ways:
  1. Bring a pre-cooked main dish (suggest 10 person serving). Microwave available for heating food up.
  2. Bring a salad/side dish (suggest 10 person serving).
  3. Bring a dessert (suggest 10 person serving).
  4. Help set-up (8:00-10:00)
  5. Help serve, clean-up (11:45-3:00).

Please click here: to sign up.

Food items may be dropped off between 8:00 and 11:30 at the Building B Reception desk. Please label your dish and serving utensil with your name. Dishes can be picked up at the end of the school day in the Lobby.

The Faculty & Staff are always very appreciative and love our home cooked food. There are quite a few to feed, so we do hope you can help out. 

We thank you very much.

High School & Middle School PSA parent representatives
Teresa Siovolgyi, Mary Lasseter, Kirsten Reinicke
Deb Christian, Nikki Smith

AISB School Board Elections 

The elections for next year's School Board are about to start and parents will receive the information letter this week. This is an exciting time for parents to consider being part of the process whether running for a position, or nominating someone. The process starts Friday, March 6th with the nomination period ending on the March 23rd. Please consider getting more involved in the school and working with our new School Director, Paul Slocombe. Once the nomination period closes, we begin the voting period from March 27th to April 20th. Let's have 100% of you vote...why not!?

Eight Grade Prepares for a Visit With the Partially-Sighted School  

Our 8th graders are planning a range of activities to do with the students when they visit our school in late April. As part of this process, in Advisory time they participated in discussion about the upcoming event, then took part in a hands-on activity of guiding a sight-impaired classmate (who wore special glasses) from the theater up to the classrooms to get practice for when the students visit. Our students also discussed what activities would be appropriate for the visit and are working with their teachers to plan each activity. 

Middle School: Spring Activities & Sign-Up Information

The Spring Activities sign-up information was recently sent to you. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Lavoie. Parents (not students) will receive a sign-up link on Monday, March 9 @ 7:00pm. Please sign-up with your child as early as possible. Many activities have a limited number of places. We look forward to an amazing Spring Activity Session. 

Winter Co-Curricular Celebration: March 26th at 4:00 p.m. 

On Thursday, March 26 we will celebrate the accomplishments of our students involved in AISB sports and activities. Parents, please join us! 

The schedule: 
4:00 Teams meet in cafeteria for pizza and music
4:25 Opening of Celebration in cafeteria
4:35 - 5:15 Teams go to classrooms for team celebrations and recognitions
5:15-5:30 Teams return to cafeteria for a Celebration Cake
5:35 Students take late bus or go home with parents.

Parents are welcome to join breakout sessions and take pictures.
Breakout session locations:
CEESA Band - B004 (the Band room)
Young Makers Club - B 111 (M.S Tech Room)
Outdoor Adventure Club - B205 (Mrs. Fleming's room)
Boys Basketball A - B210 (Mr. Fubler's room)
Boys Basketball B - B211 (Ms Henderson's room)
CEESA Math Counts - B 212 (Mr. Matlock's room)
Girls Basketball - B 213 (Ms Perzel's room)
Swim team - B220 (Mrs. Kill's room)
Floorball - B226 (Mr. Lavoie's room)
CEESA Choir - B230 (Ms Van Der Hiel's room)
Digital Photography - B 234 (Mr. Rudnicki's)
Dungeons & Dragons - B 235 (Mr. Robinson's room)
Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences: April 16, 2015 at 8:30-3:30

We look forward to welcoming you to the PST Conferences in April. Please put this date in your schedule so you and your child are able to come and talk with our teachers. Hope you enjoy these photos from our conference in November; look at how much our students have changed!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 1, 2015

Dear Middle School Parents,

Welcome back from Ski Week.  I hope you and your family had a restful and playful vacation and are excited about being back for school. We returned this week with a special first period on Monday designed to help students reconnect with their peers and teachers. Students shared about their holidays and participated in a team-building activity.  

Afterward, we all met in the MS lobby to enjoy some refreshments and check in with friends from across the whole team and the Middle School.

On Monday and Tuesday, we were honored to host author Laurie Halse Anderson. She met with all three Middle School grades sharing her writing process, her motivations for writing, and hearing students share their insights about her books. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to ask questions of an author. A big thank you to our librarian, Sarah Ducharme for organizing the visit.

We are also in the middle of a Spirit Week. The hallways are decorated with banners designed and created by our Middle School students!  The students were organized by Mr. Lavoie, Dr. Canale, Ms. Perzel, Ms. Manella, Mr.Fubler and Ms. Pal.


The elections for next year's School Board are about to start and parents will receive the information letter this week. This is an exciting time for parents to consider being part of the process whether running for a position, or nominating someone.  

The process starts Friday, March 6th with the nomination period ending on the March 23rd. During this time parents can think about submitting an application or nominating somebody else. It is an exciting time to get more involved in the school and working with our new School Director, Paul Slocombe.

Once the nomination period closes we begin the voting period from March 27th to April 20th. 

Let's have 100% of you to vote...why not!?


We are hosting the MS Girls CEESA Basketball tournament, March 5-7!  AISB will have two teams participating from the Middle School!  

I know many of you will be hosting some of our visiting athletes, and thank you so much for helping out. We really need your support to house athletes to make these events successful for our students.  There is another way that I need your help and that is to come on out and watch some games here at the school!  This is our end of season tournament and we are lucky enough to be hosting here at AISB!  I need all the Dads and Moms to come on out and watch some of the games.

Games start on the Thursday, continue into Friday and all day on Saturday! Please make time on your schedule to come on out all day on Saturday and cheer your head off (just like a Middle School Kids!).  Cheer so loud, that your head will pop right off your shoulders!  We want to get 50 parents out here on Saturday to cheer on our two teams from AISB and show the visiting teams some support!

A schedule will be sent home a schedule later in the week but be sure to put on schedule, Basketball games Saturday March 7th starting at 9:00AM!


Our MS teams in Boys Basketball and Swim teams will participate in their CEESA tournaments this weekend. The Boys Basketball team will be traveling to Warsaw this week starting on Thursday. Best of luck to Coach Fubler and the team!

The MS Swim teams will also head to Warsaw for their CEESA event. Best of luck to the swimmers and coach Zsuzsanna Szilva. The Swim and Basketball teams head out on Thursday at 10:00am from AISB.

Streaming of  Boys Basketball and Swimming events:
These channels  will be active on March 6th and 7th. 

Swimming Channel  -
Basketball Court 1 (new Gym) -
Basketball Court 2 -(old Gym)

Swim Meet Live Results-

MEET MOBILE APPLICATION can access LIVE RESULTS!!! Download free app from: 

Then check on your device for events/results on March 6 and 7, under 2015 CEESA Swim Championships.


Six dedicated students from the Middle School made the journey through the snowstorm on February 5th to attend the annual Mathcounts tournament, hosted by the American International School of Zagreb.

There were 57 students from seven schools, competing in 14 teams for the individual and/or team trophies, by solving advanced problems from the grade 7 and grade 8 math curriculum.  This year's competitors were:

Viktor Stanev (Grade 8), Nick Sun (Grade 8), Tianchen Wu (Grade 7),
Seonwoo Kim (Grade 7), Chanhyuk Lee (Grade 7), and Nikolaj Zabrodszkij (Grade 7)

Both of our three-person teams performed admirably by achieving fifth and seventh place out of 19! Our own Chanhyuk went as far as to win the individual First Place medal for the whole event!

Both during and outside the tournament activities, all AISB  team members displayed a friendly competitive spirit and good sportsmanship.  

Bravo to AISB Mathcounts 2015!
John Matlock
Grade 7 Math
Approximately 50 students from the 8th grade went to visit the Partially-Sighted school in Budapest. The visit is part of an ongoing service learning relationship that the 8th grade has with this school. Our AISB students started the day learning about the purpose of the school: who are the students served? What vision needs do they have? Our students learned about the diseases that are responsible for some of the students at the school losing their sight and what the prognosis might be for some of them.

Afterward, our students participated in a range of activities with the partially-sighted students and toured the school Our students learned some traditional dance -- experiencing the activity being partially-sighted. During the activity our students wore glasses and googles that mimicked the vision that some students who are partially-sighted experience. Other activities included learning about the technology and tools that are available to the students, including learning about braille.
Our students will be hosting these students later this spring here at AISB.

Dear Parents,
The Spring Activities sign-up information was recently sent to you. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. You (Parents only) will be receiving a sign-up link on Monday, March 9 @ 7:00pm. Please sign-up with your child as early as possible. Many activities have a limited number of places. We look forward to an amazing Spring Activity Session.

Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator / M.S French

Dear Parents,
We in the health office have noticed many students who are feeling tired or have headaches during school. Many report having less than 7 hours of sleep at night. Here is an interesting article from CNN Health about the need for sleep for all ages.
Sue Spencer and Petra Floszberger
MS/HS Nurses

Welcome back from the February Break!  I sincerely hope that you and your family enjoyed time to rest, rejuvenate, and have returned with renewed health! What an illness season this has been!
Among the many MS ongoing activities, the Counseling office is busy too! Elementary and High School colleagues and I are beginning to plan transitional programs for 5th and 8th graders. We are looking at the best ways to assist our division-changing students with a comfortable and informed transition. Parent involvement will certainly be part of the transition plan. More info will be forthcoming.
A special activity is coming up for Grade Eight students: Career Day. In the past, this event included a TED-like Talk (parents describing how they pursued Higher Education and started their job endeavors) and also a job shadowing day. I will be soliciting parent involvement to enrich this experience for our Eighth Graders!
Please plan to attend one or both of the last two book groups on HOW CHILDREN SUCCEED, Paul Tough's thought-provoking book. MS Parent Book Club meets on the two following Thursday's after Break (2:15pm in the MS Counseling Office).
Lots to look forward this quarter!
Kind regards,
Nancy Seibel
Middle School Counselor