Friday, June 17, 2016

Final Week in the Middle for 2015-16 . . .

Final Assembly:
We celebrated athletic achievement, student leadership, said farewells and closed out the year with a Blazer Cheer at our final assembly on Monday morning.  We wish all departing families all the best as you move on from AISB!
Athletic Award Winners!
Thank you for your leadership awesome Blazer Voices!!
Farewell and best of luck Mr. Weingarten!!

We are sad to say farewell to our amazing MS Band/Music teacher, but wish him well as he transitions back to the United States.  We thank Mr. Weingarten for his years of service and for his contribution in making our morning Jing announcements such a positive start to our daily routine!!

Middle School Completion Ceremony:

Congratulations to the AISB Graduating Class of 2020 for successfully completing the middle school program.  Thank you to students, parents, relatives and teaching staff for gathering together for a lovely ceremony this past Wednesday evening in the AISB theatre. We are so proud of our students and wish them well as they move on to high school in the fall.

Fall Trip Information:

In order to be prepared for our fall trips at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, we kindly request that you read through this document that contains information particular to each of our trips.  To summarize the key points:
  • 6th grade students will require a bike helmet for their trip
  • 7th grade students will require their own sleeping bag
  • 8th grade students will require hiking/proper athletic shoes
We hope this information is helpful over the summer!!

Semester 2 Reports:

The final academic report for 2015-16 is live on Veracross.  We encourage all MS families to review the report together and celebrate the close of a successful year.  While the summer is time for a break from the routines of school, we strongly encourage our students to continue to read as part of their daily routine.

On behalf of the Middle School faculty and staff, I would like to extend sincere thanks for your support over the course of the year.  Upon reflection, it really was an incredible year!!

Have an amazing summer vacation!!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

Friday, June 10, 2016

Week 36 in the Middle . . .

Grade 8 Science:

Grade 8 Science classes have spent the last month working on designing and building a model solar car. Each team chose a design problem, researched ideas for possible solutions and selected materials to build the car.  Mr. Farren taught us about gear ratio and how to get the most speed or torque for the car.  Each group made a presentation to explain how the 6 different types of energy are transferred within the car and why their design was either successful or not.  We had an amazing "Solar Car Finale" on Wednesday where the whole class showed off their cars.
Ms. Tarbell
Grade 8 Science

Grade 6 Energy Change Presentations
Just as a spark has the potential to start a great fire, our grade 6 students took steps toward realizing their potential as global citizens to be “a spark of change” on our planet.  After exploring climate change and human impact on our planet, the 6th graders considered ways that we as a school community might use energy in a more effective way to lower our overall impact on Earth.  

Working in design teams, students researched, interviewed community members, collected survey data, and made mathematical projections to support their ideas.  Finally, in a science and information technology culminating event, students brought their plans for change before school leaders, parents, and other members of the AISB community.  

Many thanks to all who attended this event!  The grade 6 students are thankful for the support and feedback they received from our community. They look forward to seeing how their ideas might be part of future plans to make our school an even better place to be.

Mr. Joel Scanga - Grade 6 Science Teacher
Mr. Bill Farren - MS Technology Integrationist / Design Technology

MS Sports Day:

Despite the gray skies, students had a great time during our MS Sport's Day event. We were very fortunate to have some distinguished Hungarian Olympians join us:

  • Mr. Zoltan Szecsi - Hungarian Water Polo player who won 3 consecutive Olympic gold medals
  • Mr. Akos Vereckei - Hungarian Sprint Kayaker who won 2 Olympic gold medals
  • Mr. Baji Balazs - Hungarian Track and Field athlete who specializes in the 60 metre hurdles and is currently preparing to compete in the Summer Olympics in Rio, Brazil August, 2016.

Students had a chance for question and answer sessions with each of our guest athletes and then proceeded to enjoy a full day of activities, including a hamburger lunch. The day capped off with a tug of war competition. Special thanks to our PE department and MS teachers for a great day!

MS French Lunch:

The last unit of the year for 6/7 Intermediate French was all about food and eating habits. For the written part, students wrote a letter to their pen pal in Senegal explaining what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as what their favorite dish is.  To immerse in French culture and celebrate a successful year, students had a French afternoon snack (goûter) or breakfast. 
Delinka Fabiny

MS/HS French

Upcoming Events:

Monday, June 13 Grade 8 student sign-out forms due.
Tuesday, June 14 MS Field trip to Aqua World - all day.
Board meeting at 16:45
Wednesday, June 15 Grade 7 Medieval feast 8:30 - 12:00
Last day for Gr.8 students - half day.
Grade 8 closing ceremony 18:30 - 20:00 (student arrival at 18:00).
Thursday, June 16 Report cards go live on Veracross.
Last day of school for students - dismissal at 11:40 a.m.
Friday, June 17 PD Day for staff - No school for students.

Parents, please help us to remind students to check for and return outstanding books to the library and/or classroom teachers in order to close out the year smoothly :)

Have a great weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

Friday, June 3, 2016

Week 35 in the Middle . . .

Student Life Update:
The year is sadly coming to a close! This past Wednesday after school we celebrated the end of the Spring Season with the Spring Co-Curricular Celebration. AISB Sport teams and clubs met one last time to close out their season and reflect on their time together. 

The amazing Blazer Barkers also met on Thursday during lunch and feasted on a dog- shaped cake, and celebrated an amazing year of accomplishments.

On Wednesday, June 8 we will be holding our last M.S Assembly of the year. The assembly will largely focus on saying goodbye and reflecting on the school year.

Please remember that Friday, June 10th is M.S. Sports Day! Our P.E. Dep't has put together a great day of events with a focus on celebrating internationalism. Students will be asked to wear a representative shirt of their home country. If they don't have one, they will also get the opportunity to make one provided they bring in a white t-shirt.

Last but not least, On Tuesday, June 14th, the entire Middle School will be going out to AQUAPARK. We hope every student attends this event (Even if they don't want to swim. It will the last time we are together as a whole Middle School! Please have your child bring in the permission slip as soon as possible.

May the Blazer Force be with you!

Marc Lavoie
MS Student Life Coordinator

Grade 5 Parent and Student Orientation:
Our Middle School staff presented an information session to 5th grade parents this past week as part of our orientation program.We look forward to welcoming our 5th grade parents and students to the Middle School next year!

On Wednesday morning, we welcomed 5th grade students to the Middle School with a brief presentation centering on Student Life and Athletics, followed by 1:1 student sessions within future advisory groups.  It was a great way for our incoming 6th grade class to feel comfortable and welcome in the Middle School!

Grade 8 Completion Ceremony:
More than anything, ceremonies are a time of community building, welcoming and celebrating the achievements and growth of those around us.  On Wednesday, June 15th, at 6:30 p.m, AISB celebrates the completion of our 8th grade students' years in the middle school.  The special event is also a time for the AISB community to recognize and appreciate the collective efforts of family, friends, and teachers in order to nurture and support our soon-to-be 9th graders.  

Doug Rudnicki
Gr. 8 Language Arts

All new AISB Website:
Dear Parents,
We are proud to let you know that our new website shows an updated look for the public to get a taste of AISB school life. It contains essential information, is now fully device-responsive and will remain at We will be adding school videos in the near future to key areas.
The Parent Portals will be streamlined to offer all the relevant information which is found on the current website and will now be accessed through your existing Veracross account. Login to your Veracross will remain the same as it is today. The new website is live and you can now use the instructions in the video below to locate your Veracross account from the new website.
Please click here for the Instruction Video.
We have also upgraded our Admissions experience for new families which is available through the "Apply Now" button at the top right of our new website.
Our next project is to look at adding a school app to streamline your communication experience.
We hope that you are satisfied with these developments and we look forward to hearing your feedback.
Kind regards,
Magdalen Gray
Advancement Director

MS Sports Day info . . .
MS Sports Day is next Friday, June 10th.  Internationalism is one of our main themes for the day. Staff and students are asked to wear t-shirts which represent their nationality! There will also be a face painting station set up on Sports Day to help students get into the international theme!
If students do not have a t-shirt representing their country, they are asked to bring in their own t-shirt to design and create their country's colors/ flags for Sports Day!  
Ms. Waller and Ms. Rantieri will happily assist students in the MS art room during lunch to use fabric paints and pens!!! …. (H&M has blank white T's if you're looking to buy one!)
So let your creativity run free   and paint your t-shirt before Sports Day on FRIDAY 10th!!   

MS P.E. Team

Reconnecting with Senegal
Letters and High School students interviewed about their trip . . .

Our 6-7 Intermediate French students were delighted to receive long-awaited responses from their pen pal from Warang, Senegal. The letters were sent two months ago but arrived just when the classes were preparing to interview two High School students who participated in the service learning trip to Senegal in October. To apply the use of the past tense students prepared questions about the trip. On Tuesday
 Emelie and Ráhel made a presentation to the classes followed by questions. Students acted like journalists listening and  taking notes during the presentations. After the presentation they asked their questions. Collectively (using a google doc) students entered the information they gathered and created an article. Students enjoyed applying all their skills, collaborating and learning more about what they found out was a beautiful country with happy and generous people.

Upcoming Events:
Monday, June 6:    MS PSA Meeting 9:00 - 11:00
Tuesday, June 7:   MS Department meeting 15:45 - 17:00
Wednesday, June 8: Final MS Assembly 11:15 - 12:05

Friday, June 10: MS Sports Day - full day
Grade 8 boat trip 19:00 - 21:00 (arrival from 18:30)

Have a great weekend Middle School community!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal