Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 13 in the Middle!

Grade 7 Rome Unit:

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!" 

ROME DAY 2015! 

As an end to our Rome unit, seventh grade participated in the fifth annual "Rome Day" celebration. Patricians, plebeians, legionaries and slaves alike attended the Colosseum for theatre, the Circus Maximus for chariot racing, joined the Roman navy for ship building, and tested ancient math through the use of Roman numerals. The day ended with a feast of delicacies and the Thieves of Ostia movie. What great attire and enthusiasm from this group!

MS PSA News:
Tickets for Mulan Dinner
On sale on Monday November 30th and Thursday December 3rd.
Tickets are 1500 Huf. The dinner starts at 5 pm on Tuesday December 8 followed by the play at 6 pm.

PSA Meeting December 4 at 9 am
Ms. Piroska (AISB Hungarian teacher) will explain the Hungarian Holiday traditions and afterwards we can taste some Hungarian dishes. It’s also a good moment to say goodbye to our leaving families. They will be missed.

Sweet Treat Cafe for MS/HS teachers
During the week of December 7 - 11, the Middle School and High School PSA Reps are planning a Sweet Treat Cafe for our awesome faculty and staff. We plan to transform the Teacher's Lounge into a winter wonderland.

We would love your help in organizing this as a holiday surprise. If you would like to support our efforts, please sign up through the volunteer spot link below to decorate the Sweet Treat Cafe and/or provide a holiday treat for the faculty and staff to enjoy.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Middle School Assembly:

MS staff and students were treated to a series of musical performances today during our monthly assembly . . . including a performance featuring our very own Mr. Robinson on vocals!

The assembly also included a presentation by our MS Blazer Barkers . . . with guest appearances from puppies from Agh Telek Shelter. The goal for the year is to sponsor 100 dogs at the shelter for a year. Families may sponsor a dog for year for the sum of 500 HUF / month or 6000 HUF for a year. Please see Mr. Lavioe or one of our Blazer Barker student representatives for more info.

Upcoming Events:
Monday, Nov 30:    All School Holiday Charity Collection
Adopt a bark donation
MS Boys & Girls Basketball Teams begin practice in
designated A & B teams. 15:40 - 17:30
MS Tech Crew 12:30 in Curriculum room
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
CEESA MUN 15:40 - 17:30
Makers Club 15:40 - 17:30
MS Swim Team Practice 15:40 - 17:30

Tuesday, Dec 1:   All School Holiday Charity Collection
Adopt a bark donation
MS Faculty mtg 15:40 - 17:00
Blazer voices 12:15 - 13:00
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:20
Girl Power 15:45 - 17:30
CEESA Band 15:40 - 17:30

Wednesday, Dec 2: All School Holiday Charity Collection
Adopt a bark donation
MS Boys & Girls Basketball Team Practice 15:40 - 17:30
MS Swim Team Practice 15:40 - 17:30
Minecraft 15:40 - 17:30
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30

Thursday, Dec 3: All School Holiday Charity Collection
Adopt a bark donation
Blazer Barkers @ 12:20
CEESA Choir at lunch in ES music room
Girl Power 15:45 - 17:30
Digital Photography 15:45 - 17:30
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30

Friday, Dec 4: All School Holiday Charity Collection
Adopt a bark donation
MS Floorball 15:30 - 16:30

Have a great long weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

Friday, November 20, 2015

Week 12 in the Middle!

Middle School PSA News:

Tickets will be on sale for a pre-"Mulan" MS dinner during lunch on Tuesday, November 24th.  The dinner will take place at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8th in the Building B cafeteria before the performance of "Mulan".  Dinner tickets are 1500 Huf each . . . "Mulan" will begin at 6:00 p.m in the Building B Theatre.

This week's PSA Meeting:

Dr. Jokay Kinga delivered a thorough presentation about adolescent depression this past Tuesday, November 17th.  The session touched on a variety of informative topics including case study analysis, characteristics of depression, when to refer to a mental health professional and how to prevent the devastation of suicide.  Dr. Kinga also highlighted a variety of treatment options including dietary, lifestyle, herbal medicine and therapy.  
Student Life Update:

The Winter After School Activities Session has now started and an outstanding 96% of available spots are full!

On Thursday, we held the Fall Co-Curricular Sports & Activities Celebration. Students were treated to pizza and cake and went to breakout sessions with their teammates to reflect on and celebrate their phenomenal Fall season.

The Makers Club Activity will hold their first meeting next week and the MUN Activity will begin the week following thanksgiving.

Mr. Lavoie
MS Student Life Coordinat

On Wednesday, November 25th we will hold a special musical performance assembly! We will also launch our Blazer Barkers " Adopt A Bark" Campaign. Eight special puppy guests will also attend the assembly!

Grade 6 Physical Education Update:

In Physical Education, Grade 6 students enjoyed a successful and fun Jump Rope unit. In four weeks, students learned various jump rope skills while working on their fitness. For their final project, students formed groups of three or four and created a jump rope routine by using the elements learned in class and by adding their own personal touches, ideas and choice of music. Students worked very hard on creating the routine and sharing ideas. During the preparation phase, students demonstrated a high level of collaboration, creativity, perseverance and responsibility. The groups built complex routines and performed with joy and confidence.

Basketball Skills Camp with Miss Pal:  

A free skills camp was open to all MS & HS students who wanted to improve their basketball prowess.   The camp took place in the main gym on November 16th. Students thoroughly enjoyed their skills camp experience led by Ms. Pal, Mr. Fubler, Mr. Tarbell and three guest coaches visiting AISB from Africa.  

Grade 8 Science:

Students in Ms. Tarbell's classes have been experimenting with a cross-curricular "Chemistry-meets-Art" activity focusing on "Cyanotypes".  I would encourage you to ask your child to explain the science behind the artistic and creative products of their work.

MS Sports News:

Sports Fans! . . . Please find below some news about AISB MS Sports!

Basketball Try-outs: MS students are invited to try-out for the AISB MS Basketball boys & girls teams on November 23rd & 25th.  No sign up for tryouts is required.  After these tryout days, selections will be announced for A & B teams in each gender.  Regular practices in designated teams will begin on November 30 and permission slips for these.teams will be sent home accordingly.

MS Swim Team:  The first day of practice for the MS Swim Team will be November 23.  Students are not required to tryout for the swim team.

Mr. Fleming

Upcoming Events:

Monday, Nov 23:    MS Tech Crew 12:30 in Curriculum room
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Makers Club - 15:40 - 17:30
MS Boys & Girls Basketball Team tryouts Day 1
MS Swim Team Practice - Day 1
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Nov 24:   PSA Thanksgiving Dinner
Blazer voices 12:15 - 13:00
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:20
CEESA Band 15:40 - 17:30

Wednesday, Nov 25: MS Co-curricular Assembly 11:15 - 12:05
MS Boys & Girls Basketball Team tryouts Day 2
MS Swim Team Practice
Minecraft 15:40 - 17:30
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30

Thursday, Nov 26: Thanksgiving Holiday - No school

Have a great weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

Friday, November 13, 2015

Week 11 in the Middle!

Parent Student Teacher Conferences

Thank you parents and students for attending conferences this past Wednesday - we had an 87% participation rate across grade levels in the Middle School.  With our students, parents and teachers directly involved in these discussions, this excellent turnout further supports the partnership between home and school.  Sincere thanks to those parents for providing additional feedback via our online survey.  We are reflecting on the overall structure and approach in hopes of improving on the experience for our Spring session of conferences. 
If you were unable to attend or see all teachers on conference day, please feel free to contact teachers directly to arrange for an appointment at another time.

MS PSA Update:

The next PSA meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 17th at 9:00 a.m. in the faculty dining room.  Dr. Kinga is coming and will talk about childhood and adolescent depression: how to differentiate it from normal surliness, when to refer to a mental health professional, how to prevent the devastation of suicide.

Giving Tree:  AISB has supported the Miklos, Bolyai and Brezno Children’s Homes for several years. This year, once again, we are organizing "The Giving Tree". The children of these homes have made a wish list of items they would like to receive for Christmas. Also, the caregivers have made lists of the homes’ basic needs.  Our MS students may visit The Giving Tree throughout the school day.  However if they want to buy a personal gift for the children they can come and pick a wish during lunchtime on Thursday November 19th and Friday November 20th

Student Life Update:

This week in Student Life we have been focusing on signing-up for the winter after school activities. I am pleased to report that the interest from the student body is at an all-time high. Seven out  of ten proposed activities are already full, and the remaining three are quickly filling-up. The final activity lists will be posted on the activities board on Monday as well as on the Middle School parent and student portals. Please note that many of the activities have a limited number of spots available and if you don't see your child's name on a list it is because there were no places left when they signed-up. The activities currently being offered are:
  • Digital Photography
  • CEESA Band
  • CEESA Choir
  • CEESA Model United Nations
  • CEESA Knowledge Bowl
  • Table-Tennis
  • Floorball
  • Makers Club
  • Minecraft Club
  • Dungeons & Dragons
Our 8th Grade Girl Power Hosted Activity also began this week with a full contingent of 14 very excited young ladies. They will be involved in a very demanding but empowering program that will last ten sessions.

Lastly, please note that the Fall Co-Curricular Celebrations will take place on Thursday, November 19th and will begin in the cafeteria at 3:45. Here is the schedule for the event:

Fall Co-Curricular Celebration Schedule 

3:45  All teams and coaches meet in cafeteria for pizza. Tables will be labeled with team names.
4:00  Opening ceremony: Fleming & Lavoie + Slide show.
4:10  Teams break out to following rooms until 5:00 pm :

B210 (Fubler): Boys tennis
B211 (Henderson): Girls tennis
B220 (Kill): Boys Soccer B
B234 (Rudnicki): Boys Soccer A
B233 (Van Den Hiel): Girls Soccer
B235 (Robinson): Cross-country
B112 (Farren): Robotics

5:00 Teams return to cafeteria for some cake.
5:15 Students leave for late buses.

Parents are of course welcomed and encouraged to attend.

Kind Regards,

Marc Lavoie

MS Athletics Update:

Sports Fans!

Hats off to all the MS Boys A & B soccer teams who participated in various events both at home and abroad this past weekend!  The DVAC MS Boys Soccer Tournament was a  a lot of fun and it was great to see so many fans out there supporting our student-athletes.  Special thanks to parents who volunteered their time to help the Booster Club sell concessions for all the players, coaches, and spectators. Congrats to the 7th grade team for taking 4th place.  The gr. 6 team won the sportsmanship award.  The A-team was in Bratislava for the DVAC Tournament and claimed second place!

Upcoming Athletic Events:
MS Co-Curricular Celebration:  All MS students who participated in a Fall Sport are welcome to attend the MS Co-Curricular Celebration on November 19 from 16:00-17:30

Basketball Skills Camp with Miss Pal:  This will be a free skill camp open to all MS & HS Students who want to improve their basketball prowess.  No sign-up required, simply show up to the gym.  Skill Camp will be offered in the main gym from 15:45-17:15 on the following days: November 12 & 16

Basketball Open Gym:  Supervised Open Gym basketball will be available over the next two weeks for MS & HS students.  Students are welcome to come to the gym to shoot around, and/or play pick-up games from 15:45-17:15 on the following days: November 13, 17, 18.

Basketball Try-outs: MS students are invited to try-out for the AISB MS Basketball boys & girls teams on November 23 & 25.  No sign up for tryouts is required.  After these tryout days, selections will be announced for A & B teams in each gender.  Regular practices in deisgnated teams will begin on November 30 and permission slips for these.teams will be sent home accordingly.

MS Swim Team:  The first day of practice for the MS Swim Team will be November 23.  Students are not required to tryout for the swim team.

Blazerlogo color.jpg
Mr. Fleming

All Upcoming Events:

Monday, Nov 16:    MS Winter activities season begins
MS Tech Crew 12:30 in Curriculum room
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
CEESA MUN - Dr.Vas’s classroom 15:30
Makers Club - 15:40 - 17:30
Coach Pal’s MS/HS Basketball Skill Camp - boys & girls
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Nov 17:   MS Winter and activities season begins
Blazer voices 12:15 - 13:00
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:20
CEESA Band 15:40 - 17:30
Girl Power Workshop 15:40 - 17:30
Open gym 15:30 - 17:30
Coach Bernadette’s Swim Skill Camp - boys & girls

Wednesday, Nov 18: MS Winter activities season begins
PSA Board mtg 9:00 - 11:00
MS assembly/Advisory 11:15 - 12:05
Minecraft 15:40 - 17:30
Dungeons & Dragons 15:40 - 17:30
Open gym 15:30 - 17:30
Open Swim 16:30-17:30

Thursday, Nov 19: MS ISTA Istanbul
Blazer Barkers @ 12:20
CEESA Choir at lunch in ES music room
Homework Club 15:30 - 16:30
Fall Co-Curricular Celebration 15:45-17:30 
*(There will be no MS after school activities or sports on this day)
Coach Bernadette’s Swim Skill Camp - boys & girls

Friday, Nov 20: MS ISTA Istanbul
MS Winter Sports and activities season begins
MS Floorball 15:30 - 16:30
Coach Bernadette’s Swim Skill Camp - boys & girls

Have a great weekend Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal