Friday, October 2, 2015

Week 6 in the Middle:

We have had another busy week in the Middle School.  Staff and students are now nicely into the routines and schedules of every day life in the Middle School.  

I hope you enjoy reading this week's update!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
MS Principal

Upcoming events Oct. 5-9:

Monday, Oct 5:    MS Spirit Week - Pajama Day
MS Tech Crew 12:20 in Curriculum room
MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A&B teams 15:30 - 17:30
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-country 15:30 - 17:30
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Oct 6:   MS Spirit Week - Crazy Hair/Crazy Sock Day
Blazer voices 12:15 - 13:00
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:30
Blazer Jazz Band - 15:40 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30
Open swim 15:30 - 17:30

Wednesday, Oct 7: MS Spirit Week - Teacher/Student Swap
Cross divisional MS/HS faculty mtg 15:45- 17:00
MS assembly/Advisory 11:15 - 12:05
CEESA Robotics 15:40 - 17:00
MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A team practice 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Soccer B team vs. Nagykovacsi Hawks
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-country 15:30 - 17:30
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Thursday, Oct 8: MS Spirit Week - Twin Day
SCIS MS Cross country meet in Vienna (VIS)
CEESA MS Boys soccer tournament in Moscow
CEESA MS Girls soccer tournament in Bucharest
CEESA MS Boys/Girls tennis tournament in Prague
Blazer Barkers @ 12:20
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:30
CEESA Mathcounts 15:40 - 16:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30
Open swim 15:30 - 17:30

Friday, Oct 9: MS Spirit Week - School Colors/AISB Shirts
Mini homecoming event at 15:00
SCIS MS Cross country meet in Vienna (VIS)
CEESA MS Boys soccer tournament in Moscow
CEESA MS Girls soccer tournament in Bucharest
CEESA MS Boys/Girls tennis tournament in Prague
AISB Flute Choir 15:45- 17:30
Bike Club 15:30 - 17:30

Message from the MS PSA:

The next PSA meeting will take place on October 13th at 8:45 a.m. in the Faculty Dining Room. The topic for the day will be "Mindful use of Technology". 
There will also be information about the new grading and reporting system.

Benjamin Brittens "The Little Sweep" . . . children's opera comes to AISB!

Our grade 6 and 7 students, along with 4th and 5th grade, enjoyed a live performance of the The Little Sweep on Friday, October 2nd from 11:05 - 12:05 in the AISB Theatre.  The opera tells the story of a brutal chimney sweep who sends 8 year old Sam into a fireplace to clean the chimney. Sam gets stuck in the chimney-stack, but children come to his rescue. They hide him and help him escape from his evil master. 

The story incorporated lessons about cooperation and love while touching on issues concerning children's rights in a highly entertaining and engaging format.  Some of the actors were children who were supported by a live pit crew of professional musician's from the Budapest Festival Orchestra.  Students and staff had an opportunity to sing along too - it was a great introduction to opera well suited for a younger audience.

School Photos

The deadline to return the orders for photos is Thursday, October 8th, 2015. The prints will be returned to students on Monday, October 26th, 2015

Progress Reports: Live on Oct. 16th

Veracross contains student scores and feedback, but does not contain an overall grade. Overall progress-to-date will be given in our October 16th Progress Report.  The progress report will contain subject specific standards based feedback in addition to feedback regarding the Habits of Learning for each class.

Student Life Update:

The fun and insanity continues in the Middle School! Next week is our Blazer Spirit Week with the following days planned:

Monday is Pajama Day
Tuesday is Crazy Hair/Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday is Teacher/Student Swap
Thursday is Twin Day
Friday is School Colors/AISB Shirts

On Friday, students and parents are invited to come and cheer for our competing Blazers at our Homecoming event. Regular bus service will be available after school. Students deciding to stay past 5:30 will need to make their own way home. Our Booster Club will also be actively supporting our Blazers during the tournament and the weekend.

Our Blazer Voices Student Action Group will also be starting to meet and will be setting their goals for the 2015-16 academic year. Our CEESA Speech & Debate Club is preparing for their trip to Prague and will be sending a full team of ten Blazers. Lastly, the Blazer Barkers have rescheduled their rained out trip to the Dog Shelter for Saturday, October 10th

Parents, please remember that the goal of the Student Life Dept. is to keep your children actively and meaningfully engaged after school. Should you have any questions about any of our programs; please don't hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards,

Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator / M.S French
American International School of Budapest

FCD Message from Ms. Stephanie Kootsikas:

After several years of working in the middle school, FCD was back again last week.  We met with parents, faculty, counseling and of course, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders.  From a prevention standpoint, each of the grades is very healthy in regards to attitudes about substance use.  They were very engaged and interested in the information.  

We talked about the risk factors for addiction, what is addiction, how substances affect the brain, how to help a friend and utilized "saying no" role-plays in both seventh and eighth grade.  We also focused on protective factors for substance abuse.  While of course there are things like family history and age of first use that contribute to substance abuse, protective factors in a student's life often get overlooked.  Some include community activities, sports, volunteerism, faith-based communities and parents talking with their kids about substance use.  

One thing that seemed to show up in conversation was the topic of technology addiction. Did you know that people can get addicted to behaviors, not just substances?  Technology is a part of our world.  In fact, it is a very important part of our world.  With that, it is good to have boundaries around tech use which includes phone, tablet, tv, computer and video game usage. Boundaries that may include: no technology in the bedroom, specifiied hours for use, no technology at the dinner table, etc.  Anything that limits the over-use is healthy.  Healthy parental modeling also plays a key role.  

You can find more information at or at  We hope you enjoyed and learned from the FCD visit! 

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