Friday, September 11, 2015

Week 3 in the Middle!

Fall Trips:
We have received very positive reports for our annual Fall Trips across grade levels in the Middle School.  Thank you to parents for supporting this profoundly important learning experience for your child.  Based on initial teacher feedback, student behavior on our trips has been exceptional with many, many examples of our students demonstrating integrity, kindness and care for their peers.

On Friday, Sept 11th, I attended the 6th grade Fall Trip debriefing in Mr. Scanga's classroom and was delighted to hear our students reflect on and speak about how appreciative they were for the support and acts of kindness demonstrated by teachers and fellow students . . . great evidence of community building and the importance of being a positive and contributing member of a team.

Sincere thanks and appreciation to all MS staff for assuming the role of parent for all students on our Fall Trips - we are very lucky to have such an incredible team of teachers!!

I would like to encourage parents to access individual grade level blogs for a summary of the experience.

Standards Based Grading and Reporting:
An informative "SBG/R" session was held on Wednesday, September 9th from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. in the faculty dining room.  Parents learned more about the history leading up to implementation of SBG/R in the Middle and High School program this year in addition to essential differences between SBG and the former "traditional" grading system.  

If you were unable to make it out to our session, please feel free to access the presentation at the following link: SBG Presentation. We have also posted additional resources on the Parent Portal accessible via the AISB website. 

Upcoming Events

Monday, Sept 14:    MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A&B teams 15:30 - 17:30
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-Country 15:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Sept 15:   CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr. 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30

Wednesday, Sept 16: MS Assembly 11:15 - 12:05
Sign ups for MS after school activities

Thursday, Sept 17: Sign ups for MS after school activities
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30

Friday, Sept 18: Sign ups for MS after school activities

Have an amazing weekend and week ahead Middle School!

Warm regards,

Mr. Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

M.S. Activity Sign-Up Week!

This week, (Sept. 14-19), is MS Activities Sign-Up Week! On Wednesday, Sept. 16th, at our Middle School Assembly, students will hear a brief description of each activity offered. The sign-up links will then go live on the same day at 7:00 p.m. To sign-up, you must access the Parent Portal on the AISB website (Not Veracross), and go to the Middle School Tab and then to the "Athletics and Activities Tab". You will find the sign-up links there! The Activities that will be available are the following:

Blazer Barkers
CEESA Robotics
CEESA Math Counts
Bike Club
Set Design
Blazer Jazz Band
Flute Ensemble
ISTA (International Schools Theatre Association)

Please note that Drama and CEESA Speech & Debate had an early start and will not be available for further sign-ups. Lastly, please sign-up as quickly as you can! Some of the activities have a limit on numbers of students that can join. Attached you will find a document outlining in detail all of the activities.

Best regards,

Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator 

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