Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 5 in the Middle!

International Day:

Middle School students enjoyed an amazing international dessert buffet on Friday, September 25th following their lunch.  Sincere thanks to our parent volunteers for your contributions and for helping hand out the treats - it was a great way to celebrate our cultural diversity here at AISB.

Students also enjoyed dressing in colours of their national flag or traditional dress as you can see from the following photos . . .

MAP Test Results:

Test results were distributed to students on Wednesday, September 23rd along with supporting documentation.  As a staff, we are in the process of analyzing the results in order to best support student learning.  As recommended in earlier communications, we encourage you to review your child's progress with the MAP results in hopes of generating conversations about areas for future growth.

Student Life / Walk the Wish:

It has been another exciting and busy week in our Middle School! and students distributed pledge forms for our Walk The Wish Event. , we were honored to receive the visit of Dr.Orsolya Gudor from Roszakert Medical Clinic who spent part of our lunch time period explaining the Medical conditions our wish kids are having to deal with everyday of their lives. On Friday after school, 140 Middle School Students decided to brave the pouring rain and Walked The Wish. 

This week was also the start of our full Fall Activities Program and our offering of the first Hosted Activity: Etiquette Club. Lastly, 10 Middle School students will be going to the AGH Telek Dog Shelter morning to bring love and joy to the 200+ dogs at the shelter. Thank you for all your support this week and stay tuned next week for more fun and mayhem!!!  

Marc Lavoie. MS Student Life Coordinator.

Freedom from Chemical Dependancy (FCD):

This week you and your child had the opportunity to meet Ms. Stephanie Kootsikas, our visiting presenter for Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD).  Our MS Students met with Ms. Stephanie to learn about healthy choices and habits.  Parents were able to meet Ms. Kootsikas at an evening presentation, as well as at a noontime PSA meeting.  Ms. Kootsikas will be contributing an article to next weeks edition of NEWS from the MIDDLE.

Monday, Sept 28:    MS Tech Crew 12:20 in Curriculum room
MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A&B teams 15:30 - 17:30
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-country 15:30 - 17:30
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Sept 29:   CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:30
Blazer Jazz Band - 15:40 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30
Open swim 15:30 - 17:30

Wednesday, Sept 30: Whole MS photo/Advisory 11:15 - 12:05
CEESA Robotics 15:40 - 17:00
MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A&B teams 15:30 - 17:30
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-country 15:30 - 17:30
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Thursday, Sept 24: Blazer Barkers @ 12:20
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
Set Design 15:40 - 17:30
CEESA Mathcounts 15:40 - 16:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30
Open swim 15:30 - 17:30

Friday, Sept 25: DVAC Cross country meet - St.Galen, Austria departure at 10:00
AISB Flute Choir 15:45- 17:30
Bike Club 15:30 - 17:30

Have a great week ahead Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 4 in the Middle!

Staff and students have had a very successful week following their return from Fall Trips. We enjoyed getting together for assembly on Wednesday, Sept. 16th to learn more about After School Activities and Walk the Wish (Csodolampa).  We were honored to have a special guest with us to educate our students about Walk the Wish, Ms. Eva Patzauer, Managing Director of Csodalampa.  She spoke about the goals of the organization and the children that we will be sponsoring this year.  We were also very proud of our students for getting up on stage to speak about their personal experiences with Walk the Wish.  The Middle School is honored to support the official mission of Csodalampa as follows: To fulfill a wish of any child aged between 3 to 18, one who may suffer from a life-threatening illness and one whose family cannot afford to fulfill this wish.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, Sept 21:                  Beginning of after school activities
FCD[1] [2]  sessions for Middle School
MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A&B teams 15:30 - 17:30
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-country 15:30 - 17:30
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Sept 22:                 FCD sessions for Middle School
Dr.Orsolya Gudor’s presentation on MS Wish Kids 12:30 Theater
Faculty mtg 15:45-17:00
                                                FCD parents night at 18:00
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30
Open swim 15:30 - 17:30

Wednesday, Sept 23:            FCD sessions for Middle School
MS assembly/Advisory 11:15 - 12:05
FCD for MS PSA 12:05-13:05
Open swim 16:30 - 17:30

Thursday, Sept 24:               FCD sessions for Middle School
ALC mtg 15:45-17:00
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
                                                Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30
Open swim 15:30 - 17:30

Friday, Sept 25:                     FCD sessions for Middle School
                                                International Day - dress in your country’s colors international desserts                                                 sponsored by the PSA at lunchtime.
No after school activities, sports.
Walk the wish start in the main gym 16:00-18:00

PSA News:

  1. Our next PSA meeting will be on Wednesday September 23rd from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. in the curriculum room. We invited a speaker from FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency).  He will be at school all week and the MS children have the opportunity during daytime to meet with him for an informational session on this topic.  During our meeting we can find out what our children learned and what we as parents need to know. After the presentation we will have an open discussion with Mr. Andy Ball (MS Principal) and Ms. Nancy Seibel (MS Counselor).  We will serve sandwiches.
  2. The MS will be participating in the "International Day" celebration. International Day will be on Friday September 25th (same day as Walk the Wish). PSA wants to help celebrate all cultures around the world by offering the MS students and teachers an International dessert buffet.  We need your help.  If you would like to bring a dessert from your home country (circa 10 servings) please send us an email. Children can drop the dessert off at the reception in the morning or you can bring it before 11:30 a.m. and help us serve all the delicious dessert!

Fall Trips

Teachers and students had an opportunity to reflect on their fall trip experiences via class discussions and online feedback surveys.  Trip leaders led thorough reflection sessions with their teams in order to discuss all details from the experience including but not limited to: the overall philosophy and goals of the trip, curricular links, safety/security, accommodations, transportation, and of course the "enjoyment" factor!  Our collective goal is to take all reflections into account as the planning for next year begins. Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions for future planning. 

Grade 6 Group Picture from Sopron:

Grade 7 Group Picture from Lake Balaton:

Grade 8 Group Picture from Koszeg:

Standards Based Grading: Progress Reports live on Oct. 16th

With our move to Standards Based Grading, we have outlined a series of dates throughout the year when teachers will update each student's grade in each course based on the most recent, relevant, and consistent evidence of progress. As a staff, we are currently reviewing these reporting dates for the remainder of the year and will communicate out to parents should there be a revision. 
For now, we are approaching our first date which will be October 16th. On this date, we will send out an email to all parents with a message that the MS Progress Report is live on Veracross.  The October 16th date is a revised date from what is printed in the handbook (Oct. 9th).  

Student Life Update:

It's a busy time in the Middle School Student Life Office! Final Fall Activities Rosters will be posted on the Middle School Portal by the end of the day on Monday, September 21st.

Walk The Wish will take place on Friday, September 25th. We are asking all walkers to meet at 4:00 p.m. in the building B main gym. Pledge forms will be available during lunches on Monday, Sept. 21st and Wednesday, Sept 23rd

On Tuesday, Sept. 22nd Dr. Orsolya Gudor will be presenting at 12:30 p.m. in the theater. She will be speaking about the medical conditions every child faces. The "Walk" will be followed by a PSA Sponsored spaghetti dinner. There will be a 5:30 p.m. bus on this day but for students not on the bus, please make arrangements for your own ride home.

Next week, we will be also advertising our first hosted activity. Hosted activities are provided by vetted outside providers and usually have a participation cost. Our first Hosted Activity will be Etiquette Class which will be sponsored by one of our parents (Mrs. Katalin Kibédi Varga). Sign-up information on this activity will be shared next week.

Marc Lavoie

FCD / Freedom from Chemical Dependancy

As part of our health and wellness program at AISB, we have invited a prevention specialist from Freedom from Chemical Dependency Educational Services to join our community next week September 21-25 . During this time they will be holding workshops and information sessions by grade level with students in Grades 6-11. Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) is a non-profit organization that provides substance abuse prevention education for schools. Since 1976, they have taught over a million students of all ages throughout the United States and at many international schools.

FCD's mission is to:
  • Encourage and support the non-use of alcohol and other illegal or illicit drugs during the growing years.
  • Empower young people to make healthy, responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drug use
  • Teach students and adults how to recognize the early warning signs of substance abuse and to intervene appropriately
  • Educate students, parents, teachers, and administrators on the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and other drugs
  • Promote awareness of drug addiction, including alcoholism, as a progressive, chronic, and often fatal disease
  • Provide educational communities with the guidance and training necessary to implement comprehensive, effective approaches to substance abuse prevention
FCD prevention specialists are highly trained professionals who have achieved long-term recovery from alcohol or other drug addictions. This unique perspective enhances the credibility of their message and provides students with role models for happy, healthy, drug-free living.  The FCD prevention specialist will present a parent workshop for parents of to offer support and guidance in helping your children enjoy a drug-free adolescence.
Some of the topics to be addressed during the workshop include:

·      Effective ways to communicate with your child about drugs and drug use
·      Up-to-date facts about current drug use and trends
·      What to say about your own experiences with alcohol and/or drug        experimentation
·      How to spot early warning signs of trouble and effective ways to respond.

This program presents a perfect opportunity for discussing alcohol and other drug-related issues with your children. Parental involvement is crucial to our collective efforts to reduce the risks teenagers face. We want our students to hear from both school and home that we are concerned about alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by adolescents, and that we are committed to keeping our children safe.

If you have any questions about the FCD visit, please contact either MS Counselor Nancy Seibel ( or HS Counselors David Spencer ( or Ben O'Brien (

Have a great week ahead Middle School!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week 3 in the Middle!

Fall Trips:
We have received very positive reports for our annual Fall Trips across grade levels in the Middle School.  Thank you to parents for supporting this profoundly important learning experience for your child.  Based on initial teacher feedback, student behavior on our trips has been exceptional with many, many examples of our students demonstrating integrity, kindness and care for their peers.

On Friday, Sept 11th, I attended the 6th grade Fall Trip debriefing in Mr. Scanga's classroom and was delighted to hear our students reflect on and speak about how appreciative they were for the support and acts of kindness demonstrated by teachers and fellow students . . . great evidence of community building and the importance of being a positive and contributing member of a team.

Sincere thanks and appreciation to all MS staff for assuming the role of parent for all students on our Fall Trips - we are very lucky to have such an incredible team of teachers!!

I would like to encourage parents to access individual grade level blogs for a summary of the experience.

Standards Based Grading and Reporting:
An informative "SBG/R" session was held on Wednesday, September 9th from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. in the faculty dining room.  Parents learned more about the history leading up to implementation of SBG/R in the Middle and High School program this year in addition to essential differences between SBG and the former "traditional" grading system.  

If you were unable to make it out to our session, please feel free to access the presentation at the following link: SBG Presentation. We have also posted additional resources on the Parent Portal accessible via the AISB website. 

Upcoming Events

Monday, Sept 14:    MS Girls Tennis 15:30-17:30
MS Boys Soccer A&B teams 15:30 - 17:30
MS Girls Soccer 15:30-17:30
X-Country 15:30 - 17:30

Tuesday, Sept 15:   CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr. 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30

Wednesday, Sept 16: MS Assembly 11:15 - 12:05
Sign ups for MS after school activities

Thursday, Sept 17: Sign ups for MS after school activities
CEESA Speech and Debate 15:40 - 16:30
Drama Club- Mulan Jr 15:30 - 17:30
MS Boys Tennis 15:30-17:30

Friday, Sept 18: Sign ups for MS after school activities

Have an amazing weekend and week ahead Middle School!

Warm regards,

Mr. Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal

M.S. Activity Sign-Up Week!

This week, (Sept. 14-19), is MS Activities Sign-Up Week! On Wednesday, Sept. 16th, at our Middle School Assembly, students will hear a brief description of each activity offered. The sign-up links will then go live on the same day at 7:00 p.m. To sign-up, you must access the Parent Portal on the AISB website (Not Veracross), and go to the Middle School Tab and then to the "Athletics and Activities Tab". You will find the sign-up links there! The Activities that will be available are the following:

Blazer Barkers
CEESA Robotics
CEESA Math Counts
Bike Club
Set Design
Blazer Jazz Band
Flute Ensemble
ISTA (International Schools Theatre Association)

Please note that Drama and CEESA Speech & Debate had an early start and will not be available for further sign-ups. Lastly, please sign-up as quickly as you can! Some of the activities have a limit on numbers of students that can join. Attached you will find a document outlining in detail all of the activities.

Best regards,

Marc Lavoie
Middle School Student Life Coordinator 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Week 2 in the Middle!

Dear MS Students and Parents,

We have had an excellent week 2 in the Middle School with students clearly moving into their back to school groove!  Congratulations to all students for excellent behavior both in and out of class - we're off to a great start!

Fall Trip Update:

There is much excitement in the air as students look forward to Fall Trips next week.

** Please note that signed permission forms are required for all students in order to travel on Fall Trips.  These forms must be signed by parents and turned in complete to advisory teachers.

Fall Trip Departure and Arrival times:

6th Grade students will leave on Tuesday, Sept 8th promptly at 8:30 a.m. in front of the AISB school gates.  The 6th grade will return on Thursday, September 10th by 3:30 p.m.

7th Grade students will leave on Wednesday, Sept 9th from the Budapest Congress and World Trade Center (Novotel Hotel past Mom Park), promptly at 7:50 a.m.  The 7th grade will return on Friday, September 11th at 3:30 p.m.

8th Grade students will leave on Tuesday, Sept. 8th from the Budapest Congress and World Trade Center (Novotel Hotel past Mom Park), promptly at 7:30 a.m.  The 8th grade will return to AISB on Friday, September 11th at 5:00 p.m.

MS / HS Parent Meeting: Standards Based Grading
As a follow-up to our Back To School Night, all parents are invited to attend an informational session to learn more about Standards-Based Grading in the Middle and High School for the academic year. 
This session will be led by principals Andy Ball (MS) and Derek Luebbe (HS) on Wednesday, September 9th at 9:00 am adjacent the main lobby. 
There will be ample time for parents to ask questions as well. We look forward to the discussion!

Back to School Night:
Sincere thanks to all parents for joining us on campus for our Back to School Night on Thursday, September 3rd.  We also appreciate the feedback from those of you in attendance - this will help us plan for next year's event.  Please do not hesitate to contact teachers directly should you require additional information about your child's educational program in the Middle School.  If you haven't yet provided us with your feedback, feel free to take a few minutes to fill out the form at the following link: BTSN Feedback Form

Student Photos:
Middle School students will have both individual and advisory group photos taken next week as per the following:
Grade 6 and Grade 8 - Monday Sept 7th
Grade 7 - Tuesday Sept 8th

Rec. Frenzy:
At the time of this week's communication, close to 200 Middle Schoolers were about to enjoy a BBQ dinner leading into the first Rec Frenzy event of the year.  We are so pleased at the number of students involved . . . photos to be published in next week's edition.  

Have a great weekend MS community!

Warm regards,

Andrew Ball
Middle School Principal