Dear Parents,
Spring has arrived! We had all of our spring sports teams out on the fields, diamonds, courts, and links this past weekend for various "friendly" events. Our Blazer student athletes have been training for the last month and this weekend represented the first time many of our teams had a match versus an outside team, providing them with a chance to test their skills, experience team work, and make the committment to play hard! All of our teams did well, with some of our teams going undefeated (Girls Volleyball A-team!) in their matches. A huge thank you to the coaches and sponsors of each team.
In addition, we had two clubs participate in CEESA events. The Knowledge Bowl Team traveled to Albania to compete. Click here to view pictures and updates. In addition, the MS MUN team traveled to Bratislavia. Click here to view pictures and updates from the MUN trip on a site created by one of the coaches, Dr. Vas.
There are many students and teams to celebrate after this weekend. For now, I'll recognize one: Nadav Shavit (Grade 7) won "Best Disarmament delegate" during the MUN event! We will highlight other students and team accomplishments as coaches report more results and summaries during the week.
Parent-Teacher-Student Conference Data
Thank you for coming to the recent conferences. Over 80% of MS parents attended, plus additional parents have since come in to meet with teachers because they were unable to come on the day. Home-to-school communication is vital to the ongoing success of your child at school. The face to face conversations that the conferences provide are an essential element of this communication. Click here to view the results from parents who submitted feedack.
This feedback is valuable for us; we will look at what changes can be made for next fall's conferences to improve the process.
Quarter 3 Report Cards: Student Reflections
At the end of quarter 3, we asked students to reflect on their learning from the last nine weeks, focusing on their Habits of Learning. The reflections were impressive to read; they displayed mature, thoughtful, and truly reflective thinking by students about their learning. It is clear that students are feeling and seeing the connection between Habits of Learning (Creativity, Reflection, Perserverance, Collaboration, Responsibility) and their overall success in learning.
The reflection process is an essential ingredient in the learning process because it requires each student to review where s/he is in relation to AISB's learning outcomes (Academic Standards). The Academic Standards are also the focus point for teachers to anchor the feedback about student learning whether on individual assingments or summarizing learning on report cards.
In closing, if you did not get an opportunity to speak with a particular teacher, please contact the MSO and we will arrange a meeting. We all want to have a strong finish to match the strong start that our students had in August of this school year.
MAP Update: All related Information and Links on School Website
Students in the Middle School will be taking the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) on May 6th, 12th and 13th (One assessment each day). Students will be taking the MAP using their own laptops in their regular classrooms. These two changes will improve the level of comfort and familarity for our students during the three days of assessement. The MAP will assess student growth in Math, Language Usage, and Reading. Results are shared with the end of year report card in June.
If you would like further information, Mrs. Fleming has put all the essential links on the Parent Portal under the MAP tab (see below). Note: you need to log-in to see the parent portal.
Upcoming Dates: (Click here for more Upcoming Dates)
April 30: MS Arts Day (would you like to help? Contact Ms.Chilla Tamas)
May 5: MS Boys & Girls Softball / 4th Quarter Mid Point / MS Golf Event
May 5-11: MS MAP Testing ( Specific time/Day Schedule TBA)
May 14: MS Volleyball Weekend (Moscow)
May 21: 6th Grade Special Olympics Event AISB